Official Artist
Quinn Johnson
Model , Mixologist
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"The World's Biggest Beauty Pageant--For Men" - Ha

Okay for you all who dont know,

yes i took part in a Modelcontest a fewmonths back. and wrote about it on my blog here... had its up and downs... but alot of downs... lol


anyways here is the review about it in details magazine.



Blog From ManHunt

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

My Dad

Yup looks like i got my pops signed up! =]


gota love him, he has been with me and suported me with alot and everything in life.

only wish i  could do more to help out back home.


check him out every one and welcome him to the world of AnD =D





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over 16 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

For you all who are wondering... yes i made it to taiwan okay =]

Hey everybody!

okay yes i know i have a serious problem with blogging now... and that i blog once every fullmoon or so... and when i do... i end up writing a damn book... but atleast i have a shit loads of pictures.... =P

but i been feeling like shit and really lazy these past weeks... must say i think its to do with not going to the gym for a month now maybe...

well im going to try and keep this oneshort, and try and getback into the AND zone and post a few more.

<...Read more
over 16 years ago 0 likes  36 comments  0 shares

Up Date in Bkk

Lol okay dont kill me...

i been a bitch about updating my blog here, and its only because i dont have internet in my hotel so i cant use my laptop to upload pictures either. so im at these pc places every once in a while just to check up on things.

so far here my trip in bkk has been a pleasent stay. went to pataya first fewdays for the shoot. once i arrived the weather was a bit rainy but besides that when it wasnt raining the weather was nice. now im in the city. and did alot of bowling... alot of movie watching... and speaki...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Till next time HK!

Time has come for me to say... i must leave this kick ass island. filled with its great people, [well not so many but the ones i know are anyways.... =]  fun times, great experiences, and the life of being out here in hk. most deff somthing i wont forget and will plan to come back in the near future.

but dont think will be anytime soon... haha my whole year ahead of me seems to be pretty planned out now.

well nothing much to say but really want to keep this simple... i still need to pack up my damn crap... which some how se...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

#1 Fan

I must Hand it down to my girl RAINA for holding it down all this time....

and thanks for all the love and suport you have been showing throughout everything =]

every one go check her out! great gal and really fun to talk with.

also she has a blog up with my pictures... hell pictures i dont even have my self... haha


check her out at


over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

june 26th (Macau)/Beer Pong 27th

so first of all i must thank faye and terence for letting me tag along for this trip to macau. and i owe yall one!

waiting around to meet up with everyone b4 heading out at the peakcaffe in soho. next thing you know its a AnD hang out... first Faye and i, then we see Race and Bey. didnt recognise who they were at first, untill Darren wonders in and knows Bey so then we all got up and finally were introduced to one another, all thought that we knew or seen eachotherfrom somewhere... haha but yeah one more artist popped...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

Shoot'em up 2nd times the Charm!

okay well scratch all that from last weeks entry... sorry everyone that i did not book in time as it was a wonderful day and it was booked way ahead... this week there are alot of the local players going out that i got to meet and we will be joining them for their games.

otherwise everything else is the same! just instead of the 22nd this time its the 29th!

LOL so lets do this one more time!

all in the FUN of being together and Bonding.... HAHA

p...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

My saturdaynight and Whatever was left of my sunday

Hey every one! really excited today, and well yeah woke up hungover... lol saturdaynight was the first time for me in a while to hit the party scene. felt like i needed to go celebrate got a big job comming up =] lipton print for china! and its paying.... alot. most ive ever got for a job and all for one picture! haha

well to get back about lastnight, went to california to have some drinks with my friend lai lai who is the manager there. and i guess there was some event going on and they were giving...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares


 hello all from downunder!


ha always thought would be cool to saythat. but anyways, my situation isnt as pleasant as it seems... i am suposta be down here to meet people for a casting interview for a j shoes world campaing, but turns out the instant i land i get a email from them saying he lost his passport in bkk... and im just like... ughh lost of words... because they were suposta be putting up for my stay and food. but now... im in central? living in a backpackers lodge... my god... for what im paying i can get a motel 6 with my ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares


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english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
September 14, 2007