Official Artist
Quinn Johnson
Model , Mixologist
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Shit i got bit!!!

man right when iwas going to upload some pictures and videos... gah, somthing bit me on the foot... like the soft part under neeth... and its a itch like inever felt b4... well yeah, its like when your walking and your feet itch but you cant scratch it... kinda feeling... god... its bad...

anyways will do things tomorrow, damntired after the ckshow. and it went really good =]


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

okay time for a update....

Since my last entry alot has happend.... haha lets start off with i no longer feel that way. i guess it was the first week where you have to get use to a newplace again, and start to make new friends and all...

but the few friends im around here seem to be a very good group. few of the AnD artist as well,

Daren E Scott, and HK rocker chick Kiki ;D

hk is treating me well i guess, castings each day, i would have had 4jobs already by now... but one got cancled... =[   Damn you DBS bank... you guys are missing ō...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

First night out

hmmm i must say... i been here since monday and tonight is the firstnight i gone out... but i must say, im not so impressed.... went to dragon i around midnight and it was not at all what people have been describing to me, for months on end and even a year now, ppl been telling me that place is the shit its such a big ass party... so in my mind... ive been sykeing my self for this... and thinking its like this big ass place where every one goes to get drunk and dance and party... man i get there it looks just like anyother restraunt, or hell ...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares


Well every one, today is my last day in singapore, well yesterday anyways... its 4am right now... haha

well went to the beach with all my roomates and it was good to have them around. and meet up with alot of friends there at the beach also. was one big party... and buncha random old euro peeps and them asian girls chasing them... lol but everybody was drunk what ever... btw i was not drunk. so was there for a good 8hours. got my self a nice tan =]

now i been packing all night, dead tired... but cannot sleep now... if i sle...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

Few Snaps here Few Snaps there


Just pictures i snapped around n about while here the past few weeks. =]

all the pictures were shot on the shooting location where we were shooting the singapore tourismvideo. to help promote the purdy places here in SG.

well there are more ill post up again. well picutres of the locations anyways... lol not just randomthings...


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almost 17 years ago 0 likes  26 comments  0 shares

Mate Mag

okay... so lets try this again... earlyer i could not post this blog that i wanted... but now i got smaller sized pictures... and lets see if it works...

so yeah shot for mate in bangkok, which is a german fashion magazine.

shot at a place which was like a sauna resort but for gays exclusive? but yeah it was interesting... just buncha ppl walking buy staring at us while shooting... haha so was funny also...

and the whole place had a crazy dungen theme, kinky? haha

but yeah hope you enjoy the pix...

other model...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares


pictures of me and the roomates/friends here in singapore...


...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares

Formula1 Shoot

so today i had my job shooting for the singapore tourism baord for the F1 Races that will be taking place in september.

this will be the worlds first Night Race for the F1 World. and will take place in the heart of the city.

but yeah this will be for the billboard i guess world wide? hell if i know... but here are some pictures, and the lighting test. dont have the real deal sorry folks... =P


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almost 17 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares

Uncle Same's Day

This is the guy who started a chain of videos streaming on youtube now, great short vids for fun.

and i must say the impersinations are really damn good. i almost peed my pants when i heard the Viet accent, Korean, Black, and mexican.... lol


but yeah im to lazy to post allthe vids, so check them out foryour self.

the big black guy with the big muskels


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Disco The Right Way

 this is where i learned how to dance it up in the clubs...  and these skillz will tear up the Clubs yo!



almost 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


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english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
September 14, 2007