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Stealth OriginalYou keep your or...Read more
Okay these next few blogs are a bit late... been busy past week n half.
but this i guess was the 60th anniversary party for adidas. and i tell you it was prolly the biggest event/party/production of the year. SG was the base for the party, and they linked live viea WEB Cams to Jakarta, KL, Manila, and Bkk. so it was 5 countires partying it up at teh same time! really bad ass...
aside from the fashion show, there was also a live band... didnt get to seewho it was since i was backstage more than half the time...Read more
so yet again flew china eastern back... and delayedonce more it was.... i think they have a big issue with delayed flights... ugh... i shall never fly them again... unless its the clients who are payingfor the fligt... then i really have no choice? =[
but yeah was there didnt have much time to go shopping for my Fake CK underwear =[ so i bought alot of chewing gum lastmin at the airport to bring back with me to SG... well worth it? haha but i will be leaving for taiwan on the 28th to see my mom and th...Read more
Yup yall heard me. comming march 2nd ill be heading to shanghai for a TVC shoot for minuite maid =]
but sad thing is... my stay would be till the 4th only... =*[ can only pray my flight will be atnight...
been quite busy these past days, have been shortlisted for nivea aswell in bangkok am waiting to hear news from that. then tomorrow have my self a adidas show. hope i get to keep the gear! as i got to keep my Tees and Dunks from the nike show i did. =]
well say if i do have half a day free in shang hai... what ...Read more
shot this video about ayear ago. while on this shoot did get to see alot of cool places around singapore thats forsure. =]
funny how i never saw this video untill just twodays ago also. haha so the two videos uploaded were long lost work! lol
oh and there is a part where two people are like making out. yeah its not me and my friend marcella... i think its just part of the story. =P
Location Singapore
Video: Read more
HEY wow remember the blog i posted while back with alot of goofey picture? okay well when ever was there any picture of me not being or looking goofey in them.? normal... pictures.... not modeling. =P
but yeah finally got the ppl to send me my tvc from taiwan from like july... lol and today was the first time i got to see it my self! =D even when it was aired in taiwan i never got to see it.. but every body in taiwan was telling me about it so pissed me off... always would be watching the wrong channel at the wrong time.... ...Read more
Hey every one... yeah i been dead for some time now. and next thing i know it its been like a month since i last blogged...
twards the last month of my stay in taiwan was alot of moving around after i had to move out of my uncles so i was staying at my friends. and just didnt unpack much at all... so lap top and many other things were all packed away just waiting for the date for me to leave taiwan. was a hassle coz there was no real schedual to when iwould be leaving...
well shall be posting in few sep...Read more
What to do?!?!?
its a damn fosure thing that i wont have enough time...
but am here for a meeting with a productioncompant so hope all will go well... and then to pay a little visit to my old agency....
have alot of friends im going to try and see today or tonight. so am sorry if i dont get a chance to meet up or talk.
but for damn sure it feels good to be back =]
well yeah okay for every one who didnt know now you do, i just started acting class this week. and am really thinking of getting more into the acting more seriously than modeling. and plus... you get to act like a Retard for the hell of it! =D
so basicly we been playing alot of games just to get ppl to open up and not be to shy in front of eachother... but i dont really have a pbroblem there... i kinda bring out the loud obnoctious american with in me. lol
only challenge for me would be is the wh...Read more
okay more pictures finally... hoora!
enjoy =]
yeah a bit tacky with the scanner and cut and paste work... =P
also am sad that they photoshopped my tats =[