Official Artist
Quinn Johnson
Model , Mixologist
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OKAY EVERYONE so here we gooooo!

i am sorry for the great deal of lag... yet again... but if you all know me then eh. haha been busy and also have alot of down time now... given the current situation...

well okay where to start? for my 6days there in korea i had a real good experience hanging out with all the fellas, and just walking ar...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  33 comments  0 shares

Korea - Seoul

Hey everybody, yes im alive and kicking here in seoul... the schedual has been crazy... and the lack of internetacces is hard to getonline and blog about each day. so as you all know now is Day 3.

day 1 on the 28th landed at 8 got settled in... but then my friend SAM "england" never told anyone his flight schedual so we didtn know when the hell he was comming in... and no one was going to go pick him up and.... on top of that he didnt know where to go. and im sure his cheap ass didnt have anymoney on him either. so we decided ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

24Herbs @ Sugar

Yup yup i dont think it get anymore in yourface than this footage right hurrrr! haha

and for you all who never seen these guys live its a real blast =]


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FClWSG_13es

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares


Once Again Happy Birthday AnD!!! had a wonderful time there the othernight, and must say thanks. because if it wasnot for AnD or Pat lee for telling me to checkout the site.... i would not had met any of you today... well sure there are alot more of you i have not yet met, but you know what i mean.... gota love the AnD family and ppl take care of eachother here! =]

sooo yes.... like the Bos... "charlyn" says.... hurryw ith the pix already.....


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almost 17 years ago 0 likes  23 comments  0 shares


well i guess people have been voteing for me all this time, because it wasnt untill yesterday all the votes started registering =X

had no idea i would even have this much suport and love. haha

well seems like vietnam  has a big or really rich family =P

well just wanted to thank everyone for your suport.


and today i will begoing into the agency to signup for Mr Hongkonk....

lol what am i even doi...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares


Just a pic from the Night Kiki and i Went to the concert. lol no idea what was the name of the event... but it was an experience. =]





almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares


okay my dear friends and All AnDers...

i dont know if im the only one who has been receiving emails talking about who is a banker and they want to pretty much have you help them transfer a shit load of money... to cut this short... read my email and you will understand...

these are nigerians who literally spend their days... in the fucking LOCAL library sending out emails like this and hacking peoples email and sending out virus's... and thats how they get more list of emails and so on the chain never ends... th...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

Okay Here We go.... i think i skipped a week?

okay well lets see,


yes... thanks alot all for the suport. and for my outfits for manhunt, my friend sam and i are going to try another approach... see if we can get some sponsors! lol i mean this event is going to be on tv all over the world right? well im sure they would have tons of cloths they wouldnt mind lending us... =P

as for last week. i finished shooting my Canon Tvc, and it was a fun twodays...

but the part when we were out in the mountains.. man it was like out in the...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares


So Guess what every one??? i dont know if you all have heard of MANHUNT or not, but its basicly a model contest... or a manpagent? haha... and yeah.... im kinda in it now. such a last min  thing too... but i guess my manager "ohm" got us in the last min and now im Mr Ireland.... haha thats cool as hell.... and my friend Sam is Mr England.

dont ask me how that works i dontknow. but it just does.... lol and when they told me i needed a talent i was reallythinking of not doing the show... coz 4weeks is way todamn soon to find a ta...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares

Shit and it did not end THERE!

okay to follow on with my last blog. i was powering off my comp and going into bed.... as i noticed... wtf... my right footbeginning to itch... and i thought hell nooo how the hell...

so eventually i tryted to sleep it off. soon to wake up in a sweat itching allover my body, my neck, face, and arm.... soon had to turn on the AC flip my pilow over to the cooler side, but still would itch and did not know why... so i woke up turnd on the lights and looked into the mirror and said... ohh shit... mother fuckers...

i...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares


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english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
September 14, 2007