Official Artist
Eddie Chung
Music Producer
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Born in HK

My wife gave with to our second son last wednesday. Since a natural birth was our plan, we really had no idea when it was going happen but my wife was quite accurate. She had predicted it within 36 hours. She managed to finish a bunch of important meetings at work that morning and felt the labour pains come so she called me and then cabbed herself to the hospital around noon. By the time I got there, she was leisurely checking herself in. She was admitted to a sort of pre-birth ward and I wasn't allowed to stay. It was full of women in various stages of labour all moaning or screaming in pain. There were no seats in the waiting room and from pass experience, I know these things can take quite a few hours so it was lucky that  I had brought my laptop. I decided to go back to my car and do some work. I wasn't allowed in the ward till around 7pm. I managed to write 2 cues for the movie that I am currently working on. Actually very productive as there were no real distractions. My wife texted me to let me know she was fine. She even requested me take her some french toast before the birth. She breezed through he labour pains as she is a tough woman.  By the time I was allowed in the ward which was around 7pm, she was really to pop. The pains were 3 to 5 mins apart. We were at Queen Mary Hospital and they have 10 delivery rooms and all through the day they were full. We were lucky that by the time our bun was baked and ready to come out of the oven, the delivery rooms were quite free. Our plan was to have an epidural and hopefully a little happy gas for daddy. However, by the time they took my wife to the delivery room she was truly ready to pop. I asked her how it felt and she said, basically like you need to take a dump really badly except the dump is around 6lbs. We are in the delivery room and I have all the sterized gear on including a very unattractive hat. By this time, my wife was in some serious pain. We are all ready for the pain relieving drugs, especially me. The nurses goes on to inform us that its too late for drugs. You can understand we are rather pissed off as we had gotten to the hospital very early for just one thing, pain relieve. I insisted but it was truly too late. My wife said, "its coming down..."The nurses sprung into action. My wife took around 3-4 pushes and within 2mins, the kid was out. The doctor had not even arrived yet. NO drugs. I am very proud of my wife as I can hardly imagine the amount of pain she had to suffered even though it was short. We have a new 6.6lbs baby boy now named Matthew. As I am not afraid of blood and stuff, I was even checking out the placenta with the doctor. She explained to me which part was attached to what etc. Very interesting stuff. I wanted to take a picture of it but unfortunately it couldn't. Watching your own child's birth is quite an amazing experience. Both mother and baby came home after only 2 days. Both are doing great so far. Flam sucking machine...This is where they weight the baby etc..The epidural my wife never got...This would make a nice addition to my living rooms...Oh dear... is that mine ??!Much better after a few days out of the womb....

over 14 years ago 0 likes  52 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
he has his father's hairline...
over 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
congrats! i like the fact that you took the time to take photos of all the equipment in the delivery room for the sake of your blog too!
over 14 years ago
yeah yeah yeah congrats again!!!!
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Photo 22991
So cute!! Congrats! my 1st one i had epi...2nd one also intend to have...your wife is brave :)
over 14 years ago
Photo 39462
over 14 years ago
Congrats, Eddie! I want one of these machines at home...I could wake up every morning, suck phlegm, and get a good start to the day.
over 14 years ago
waaaaaaa..... so cute^^
over 14 years ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
Congrats man! Wish your family all the best.
over 14 years ago
Photo 93921
So cute! Congratulations! :D
over 14 years ago
Photo 82244
That's great! Congratulations!
over 14 years ago
Photo 35692
Congrats! We have 2 sons as well and it's wonderful.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Photo 446869
Congrats dude! He's cute
over 14 years ago
Doryuk 63 doryuk
thanks everyone !!!
over 14 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
over 14 years ago
Photo 33405
Congrats Eddie! I can't imagine how painful it must've been without the epidural, but your wife did it!
over 14 years ago


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english, cantonese
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Member Since
April 16, 2007