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bryant fong
Sports , Sports Coach
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Chinatown Spring 2013

Well its official I am moving in to the new Chinatown Campus in the Spring of 2013.......so those of you taking my Tai Chi Classes should come and check out the new campus.  Its a 14 story building in the middle of Chinatown providing services for the Chinatown Community.  I will have the Multipurpose room on the 4th floor for a classroom....

Looking down Washington St, you can see the new ...Read more

about 12 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Changes for 2013

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!  We had Chinese so Chicken and not Turkey!  But it was a nice day....then after that it was Black Friday Shopping.......haha, real crazy.......got some good deals tho...........

Coming for 2013, CMAT 21, the date is now confirmed for March 30, 2013..so mark that on your calendar.  Also, those of you that are competing in Nandu competition in the past,,,will need to make some major changes.  CMAT 21 will require you to compete with the new compulsory routines.  China has confirmed that these wi...Read more

about 12 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

A little adversity.....

Of the many things one is suppose to learn in martial arts.......perseverance.......is most important, things like loyalty, righteousness, humbleness are pretty important but with out the ability to face adversity you cannot progress.  I have heard students tell me...I don't want to compete because I can't beat so and so.....or worse, my life is messed up everything is against me...I hate everyone and I hate my life.  Unfortunately, life never promised it had to be fair, to get any where you must be able to take the good with ...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Baiji coming to the Bay Area

Hey you all......been so busy haven't had time to do much.  Probably, the biggest thing on my mind is working on the accreditation of CCSF.....everyone has to pitch in to keep the College going.  It is the largest Community College in the United States with the largest part time faculty.  For teachers we have to do SLOs....student learning objectives and evaluations.....the Board needs stats......whoever heard of that in my time......but nowadays that stuff keeps schools open.....for the community we have to pass the various ...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


I don't know if its  just because I am paying attention....but seems like these Olympics are really exciting.........the badminton finals with China's Lin Dan was cool and really good.......they tied at least 4 times before he finally won..........it was neat that a wealthy Malaysian put up a million dollars if anyone could beat Lin Dan!  And in Beach Volleyball....while most guys are checking out the skimpy bikinis......the American Team is really good.  Ping pong...was also awesome.......and I finally got to see a little Equestrian....Read more

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Olympics!! Jiayo!!

The Olympics are here!! Yeah!!!  Some really good competition.......but even at Olympic Level, you will note that being nervous and loosing focus will still end up in loosing.  Some of these athletes need to practice some Taiji to help achieve calmness.  Just being good at what you do often is still not enough...you need confidence but also its the calmness that allows you to make changes and adjustments if things don't go right.  Very important in martial arts is this ability......the ability to change and adjust.......if you have thi...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Catching up

It has been a great year so far.  Since I did not plan to go to China this year everyone came from Beijing.  Latest, was my Senior Classmate Yang Shi Ming, he spent 8 days in San Francisco teaching Bagua Seminars, lots of topics including: Dragon Form, Dingshibazhang, Swimming Dragon(Linwanzhang), 64 Palms, Bagua Straight Sword, Kun Lun Fan, Bagua applications and Two Man Forms.  I am all Baguaed out.......lots of translations......got a good size head ache!!  But it was fun, and always good to see Master Yang.  He stressed one thing for good Bag...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Grandmaster Feng Zhi Qiang

I am sadden to announce that Grandmaster Feng passed away this weekend because of complications from pneumonia.  He was the last of the 18th Generation of Chen Taiji and is famous for his own creation Hun Yuan Taiji, a distillation of the teachings of his teachers Chen Fa-kor, and Hu Yaojun.  I have been Grandmaster Feng's student for over 30 years, he was both a great teacher and friend...he always treated me as one of his family...and advised me to always practice the Big Dao....be a good person he would say and your martial ...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

World Tai Chi Day

Part of the Earth Day Celebrations this weekend will be the World Tai Chi Day Events....people all over the world have been asked to perform Tai Chi....wherever they are.  I and my students will be going to Cupertino to the Omei Academy to take part in the Southbay Tai Chi Celebration.  The event is being hosted by former World Tai Chi Champion of China, Zhao Yunjian at his School.  If you are in the area do drop by!!

Will put up some pictures of this year's performances.....and some from CMAT 20.......just having problems uploa...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

CMAT the Aftermath

Well if you made it to CMAT this year hope you enjoyed it.  Wanted to thank all my friends and old students who came to be part of CMAT 20.....20 years goes by faster than you think.  It was good to see Brandon, Cary LI (the doctor!!).....Quanman....Kai,  Amy, Zhou Jing Ping, Li Jing, Liu Yu.......and Gigi and Gene from Tiger Claw. Also, thanks to Coach Zhu Jiang Hung from Beijing Wushu Team, and Selina Tao from Hopei Team for taking time out to participate in our event. The Master's Exhibition was awesome and ran like clockwork......o...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


Coming: Sept 14 Mid-Autumn Festival Sept 15 Dragon Boat Festival Oct 12 4th Annual Golden State Chinese Martial Arts Champions

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin, german, spanish
Location (City, Country)
San francisco, United States
Member Since
December 27, 2007