bryant fong
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Been busy running off to Tournaments for the last couple of months........I am getting ready to leave for the USAWKF Nationals and Team Trials in San Jose.......haha...............not my favorite organization, but they do at least organize for the World competitions.....this time tho lots of the work done by Sifu Li Xu Dong of Kungfudirect....(just a plug!)......great job by the way!  Last night we had the welcoming party for the Nationals...impressive event with lots of important Wushu dignitaries from China and the Asian American Civic Leader...Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Invincible Seminar!

I was planning to take more pictures at CMAT, but as it turned out I left my Olympics Bag in Kenny's Bag and the day was so hectic neither of us ever left the venue once the competition began.  But as always CMAT was like old home week all my friends always show up to help.  Lots of thanks to Liu Yu, Li Jing, Emilio, Matt, Robert, Arthur, Marvin, Glenn, Johnny, Lily, Lawrence, Henry Look, and many others.........

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14 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

CMAT and counting!

Picked up Coach Cui and Dillon...................Gao Jing and Yin Peng Wei also came with them.  Yin was here cause his father pulled some big strings to make the trip possible. Gao Jing had come before when James Yang brought the Team to the US in 2005.  It will be exciting as Coach Cui tells me they are all going to compete!  Good competition always raises the level!

Shahaub and I took the Te...Read more

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CMAT plus one

Well today will be spent picking people up and making sure the venue is set up properly and checking our ring assignments for judges.  It has taken over 8 months of preparation for this event.......so looking foward to tomorrow........I'm sure my students are too....many of them this will be there first CMAT....many of the Wushu OG's have gotten jobs and moved all over the world....so every few years our entire staff turns over.........want to thank Jackie for working hard....she is still taking care of the Judges............after over ...Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Count down to CMAT

Well a couple days left before the 18th Annual CMAT at UC Berkeley. It looks pretty good...over 500 competitors are registered for the tournament....and the Cal Wushu Team Members are busy trying to make sure everything goes smoothly.  We still need 20 or so big guys to help move the competition rug from Fremont to the Campus, and buy the food and drinks for all the judges.....there are about 100 of them!  Then after a big flurry of emails and phone calls to China the Beijing Team got their Visas approved......so for you Wushu fans out the...Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

World Tai Chi and Qigong Day

Last  Week got a call from Gigi at Tiger Claw that they needed a MC for the World Tai Chi and Qigong Day.......checked my schedule rearranged some classes.....and off I went to Union Square for the celebration.  The 12th Annual Qigong Conference was being held by Dr. Effie Chow at the same time, she had specifically planned the Qigong Congress to occur on World Tai Cxhi Day so that she could combine the two events.....pretty neat idea that way we can promote both Tai Chi and Qigong to the American Public at once.

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14 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Leaving Beijing

Last day in Beijing was mostly waiting for uniforms, saying good byes..........and last minute lessons.  In the evening waited for Wudi(Dillon), and Steven(Alive not Dad).......for dinner. 

In the early afternoon, Glenn and I hung out with my Chen Taiji Classmate Chen Xiang, we went to work out at Beihai Park.  Spent some time working on footwork and the two man sparring form.  We found a nice sp...Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Discipleship Ceremony

Glenn and my family were all picked up at 8:30am.....and we went to the Tian Tan Sports Hotel where the Ceremony was to take place. We prepared our Disciple Request to be accepted as his disciple.......these are to be presented to Master Zhao which if he accepts means we will be his disciples.......there are 21 of us......from young to old..........I think I am his oldest disciple. 

Master ...Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares

Ching Ming Festival

Ching Ming is the Festival of the dead......day for families to pay respect to their ancestors.....before China did not really make a big thing about it.......but this year China is making it a big deal..............they have special TV coverage, and even free buses to the cemetery.  I think China sees that a fast growing capitalist style economy is slowly eroding the values of the people of the country, and that a return to some of the cultural practices of the past will give people a better grasp of who they are....and not just about ma...Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

More Internal Practice

Last nite after running all over Beijing ended up at the Golden Jaguar..........the best Buffett in Beijing...........................Simu, Mars, Glenn, Jennifer and her husband Wang Wei were all there to test out the food.  While Wang Wei and I talked wushu....everyone else went to get food...........and I must say this is as good if not better than the buffett's in Las Vegas.

this is ...Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares


Coming: Sept 14 Mid-Autumn Festival Sept 15 Dragon Boat Festival Oct 12 4th Annual Golden State Chinese Martial Arts Champions


english, cantonese, mandarin, german, spanish
San francisco, United States
December 27, 2007