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bryant fong
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A little adversity.....

Of the many things one is suppose to learn in martial arts.......perseverance.......is most important, things like loyalty, righteousness, humbleness are pretty important but with out the ability to face adversity you cannot progress.  I have heard students tell me...I don't want to compete because I can't beat so and so.....or worse, my life is messed up everything is against me...I hate everyone and I hate my life.  Unfortunately, life never promised it had to be fair, to get any where you must be able to take the good with the bad....to the Taoist life is a cycle...when things are bad they can only go one way...that's up......but you have to take what it gives you and dish it out too.  There will always be some guy or woman who you can't beat...but that's what you have to realize is the nature of martial arts....it's an art that's alive people will always improve......but you must not let that stop you....the goal is not to beat them but to improve yourself...you are the person you must overcome.  If you believe you will fail then that's what will happen.......gung-fu in the end comes from your own hard work.......and it may not always lead to a gold medal........it's however a matter of did you try to reach your full potential......life becomes easier when you know who you are and what you can do..........but how do I know this is true.........the path to the Tao is many....it is thru seeking the Tao can you learn its nature....while we cannot know what the Tao is, we can see and understand its effects.

Well, that's a few thoughts for my students to think about.  On a more mundane level.....go Giants........no one thought you would get this far............so a little adversity brings out the real potential..........A's...did a good job too, but sometimes there's just someone better...but never give up!

Ok, later all........don't forget Sensei Carlos Navarro's Mixed Martial Arts Tournament in November it will be in Pacifica.

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December 27, 2007