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Chinatown Spring 2013

Well its official I am moving in to the new Chinatown Campus in the Spring of 2013.......so those of you taking my Tai Chi Classes should come and check out the new campus.  Its a 14 story building in the middle of Chinatown providing services for the Chinatown Community.  I will have the Multipurpose room on the 4th floor for a classroom....

Looking down Washington St, you can see the new Chinatown Campus of San Francisco City College.  Its the tallest building in the community.

As you go inside the building it has a lobby on the second floor, where you can study or just hang out.

This will be my new classroom on the fourth floor.

The Multi-purpose room looks cool , will have plenty of light and space.

Seems like I can never quite get away from Chinatown, the San Francisco Wushu Team began here in the 70's, and I taught at the Chinatown YMCA for nearly 20 years,  One thing for sure after class, there should be some great places to eat!!

about 12 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin, german, spanish
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Member Since
December 27, 2007