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bryant fong
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CMAT the Aftermath

Well if you made it to CMAT this year hope you enjoyed it.  Wanted to thank all my friends and old students who came to be part of CMAT 20.....20 years goes by faster than you think.  It was good to see Brandon, Cary LI (the doctor!!).....Quanman....Kai,  Amy, Zhou Jing Ping, Li Jing, Liu Yu.......and Gigi and Gene from Tiger Claw. Also, thanks to Coach Zhu Jiang Hung from Beijing Wushu Team, and Selina Tao from Hopei Team for taking time out to participate in our event. The Master's Exhibition was awesome and ran like clockwork......of course we did have a delay for technical problems.....like we need to get into the sound booth....but the tech is on break!  CMAT 20 probably one of the smoothest running tournaments we have had......kudos to the new generation of Calwushu! 

Calwushu Jiayo......our teams leave for the East Coast for this year's Collegiates on friday....good luck and bring home the gold.  Calwushu is the defending National Collegiate Wushu Champions.

Coming to a gym near you is my classmate Chen Xiang, he is probably one of Grandmaster Feng's best students...in addition to teaching Qigong in the Bay Area...he will for the first time be offering to MMA fighters a seminar on how to use Tai Chi in the ring.  That should be interesting.....I know whenever we demonstrate how to use Tai Chi, people are always surprised at its speed and efficency.  Well it was a Martial Arts used by the Emperor's bodyguards...so had to be good!!

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
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20 years... Yikes!
almost 13 years ago


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english, cantonese, mandarin, german, spanish
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Member Since
December 27, 2007