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the competition begins

First of all, reading all of your comments really put a smile to my face. Thank you all for your kindness and God bless!!!  Man, Bob!  Who knew you’d quote the Bible!  Hahaha….it’s nice to get feedback from people that I know and from all you new people who I’ve never actually met…thank you thank you…it means the world to me.  

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  This blog has really been a therapeutic escape for me.  I enjoy expressing my deepest thoughts and sharing it all with you...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares

Just thoughts part II (continued)

Over the years my mind has just turned off or at least half functioned.  I let comments eat me up.  I feed off of compliments as if it is something I need to survive.  When there is no compliment I begin to feel hungry and when I’m hungry I become self-conscious.  It’s a horrendous cycle that goes on and on.  Negative comments can really put a hole in my confidence.  I am quite sensitive to what others say.  It’s not a good thing.  I’m trying to change this.  I’m trying to accept who I am.  I’m trying to appreciate what God ...Read more

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just thoughts part I

It’s a sad thing to constantly depend on what others say about you.  It’s terrible and stupid but I am a number one victim.  Being in the industry I guess I’m a classic case scenario.  Confidence is something that all artists need.  In my case, my confidence is still a baby growing and being nurtured as we speak.  I’m a sucker for listening to opinions when I know I should have my own opinion on things.  I should have my own mind.  

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Here's a poem that I wrote on the plane



The rush of fresh new beginnings brings a restlessness that is

knocking at my door,

As impatience takes over me I await with anxiety for each day to mark

the end of my past and the passageway to more.

I dream of a world that will give me hope and a place that will teach

me to love who I've become,

A time for me to grow, to explore, to take risks in life, and break

away from feeling so numb.

I find myself sear...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

too late

So...I just want to say...too late on the no haircut thing.  I got it done last Fri before I went for an audition for a competition that I'm participating in.  It's called   2007雪碧我型我SHOW and it' sgoing to take place in Shanghai.  You all will be able to vote for me online or by SMS messaging.  I believe the show is a bit like American Idol....but there is a musical theatre theme...not meaning that the contestants will sing theatre...but...I will sing a bit of theatre!  The winners are supposed to be able to do an original musical after ...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares

not again!

Ok...let me just say that I'm on a roll!   For what, you ask?  I'm on a roll of bad luck!!!   That's what!  So, today after I had a  meeting at Pacific Coffee at Festival Walk.  It's just my mom, Seth (my toy poodle hidden in his bag), and me.  We were sitting in the outside area...and I decided to go in to check if they had chai lattes...but they didn't ....so..when I come back I see my mom dosing off.....and didn't think anything of it....we then decided to go to Starbucks since they do have chai latte's.....it wasn&#...Read more

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more to say

I forgot to say thank you to all of your words of encouragement about my camera.  I did call the airline several times for about 3 days and then finally decided that it was gone.  It’s pretty sad because there were a few photos that I hadn’t saved yet from my LA trip…but, what can you do, right?  I’m not going to get a camera for while though because that one was a semi professional digital canon!  So….anything else wouldn’t be the same to me….but…I will settle for my phone camera for now…yes, there are worst things that could happen….

pr...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

end of my U.S. Trip

Wow, so much has happened since the last time I blogged.  So…after my trip to NY, I headed for the last part of my trip which was SF.  First of all, I had a little “incident” on the plane ride.  My flight went from JFK to prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Dallas and from Dallas onto SF.  I was sitting in one of those medium sized planes ( Dallas to SF) where both sides have 3 seats.  In my opinion, this is a very stupid idea.  There is no room to do anything!  So….we get stuck in the plane for abo...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

1st half of my U.S. Trip

Here is the missing blog that I wrote last week and it was actually written on May 19th, 2007


well...here I am in the big city writing this blog and sipping my chai vanilla with a blueberry muffin..(which I feel guilty about but..I'm on vacation..sort of...right?)  I'm at this really cute coffee shop in the West village called Grey Dog Coffee.  It's a very cute little coffee shop with a sort of NY feel to it....I came here yesterday with my friend Ajay and they had a really nice omelet...t...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares

My trip to Shanghai

Hi, I actually wrote this email on May 9th, 2007...but, I realized that I've been putting my blog entries in the comments section!  So...there are 2 blogs that never got posted!  prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /





Ok....so.  I just want to say that computers can really suck sometimes.  I actually wrote this really long blog last week when I was still in Shanghai and somehow it got erased so I got frustrated and wasn't going to attempt to re write ev...Read more

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Hong Kong
April 19, 2007