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joelatay wowtv
Producer , MC / Show Host , Singer
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Straight to SEX

Pls help me out here,

a fine young man is bothered by today's mixed up boy/girl relationships,

He has this Dilemma. Choice, Crossroad situation, A or B.

He felt kind of dry these days, wanting some companionship,

'U do have compainions...friends ....so U do want to have sex??' I asked.

'Yes...Sex'  he plainly replied.

'So, it's not compannionship'.

I asked him if he really wanted to chooose that route...being dishonest using tricks,

This young man ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

my hero( worst case scenario?)

James Taylor once sung........

'When you're down and troubled....you need some love and care....

but nothing...nothing going your way.........hm.....'(from You've got a friend)

Maybe U r in that situation....

or U may never be in sucg situations.....

still wanted to share with you, once again, on my prime time....a quiet sat no work morning

http://www.56.com/u61/v_MTMzMzA3MzA.html (my hero)

...Read more
over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


what's this no. to you???

.........................................just a no. right?!

its' my birth no. birthday....some date when your friends brought you to a restaurant

they will give U a free cake...welll...a free little piece of cake and some firework on top of it,

and some unwilling servers had to pretend they enjoy this day...

1212.......what's this no. to you??

...........................................still just a  no. right?!

to me....I m grateful,thankful..........to my mom....Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Need Vs Want (Top5)

What do you want? (Top 5)

1          (example-her/him)     

2           .............................

3           ..............................

4            .............................

5          the car

What do you Need?(Top 5)

a)    (example- her/him to be happy)

b)    .................................

c)    .................................

d)    ................................

e)    to save the $ to help some 3rd world kids so they will have ho...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

honesty 100% possible???

"i sweet talk with U only to get in in bed.

I m gay.

I hate my family.

I m afraid of being not famous.

i dont like not mom but I told her i do.

i hate my job but the fame.

i love sex.

i believe in God but hate the rules.

i m addicted to...........I know God knows

i m pretendious

i m a jealous person but i act not.

i hate my bf talk to any other toher girls.

i want to delete contacts of all his EX....he better not in contact with any o...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

5cm of.....

Snow.....that's 5cm of freahly fallen the whole last night while I was sound asleep.

I peeked thru my drapes....my car was all covered with snow, which means,

I have to brush off all the snow b4 I can get going....that's like 10mins

and plus the cars will be slow. 

I have to be patient. Cos I m not a patient man.....but better now.

Sometimes it takes a natural phenonmenon to pace us ,

especially in early mornings now 646am....we usually rush rush rush....

forgetting even mornings are...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


I was zipping my Tim Horton (Canada's home brand) XL 2 cream 1 sugar coffee,

plus my favorite raisin bagel toasted with light cream cheese,

if I tell U this particular Coffee n Bagel combo beats sharkfin and even 2 head Abalone hands

down?Would U believe me??

I have wierd eating pattern which will shock my friends once they got to know me enough to find

this out, I m very casual in food....I used to like CeREAL ALOT....not anymore....yes there's fibre,

sugar too so I stopped.....Sometimes when I...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


it was snowing.........

gently.....the flakes are not the big ones...but powdered liked.

On my way to my friend's house....it snowed.

I then drive slow.....30km.hr.....along the small road to his house....

only in Toronto...only when it is snowing...

even the car follwoing U understand why the speed of my car...30km....

it was beautiful.....everything in slow motion.....radio station...fm 96.3 to be excat....

playing a sypmphony..........i was watching out nthru my windshied...........

...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

if i have ONLY 10minutes

I do like vsiitiing my blog,

it's just felt like home....a place u could be yourself...a process of being truthful,

Read many blogs before...

it's easy  to tempted to wirte to impress, to write to preach, to write partial of what U truly see n

felt cos we all know someone's gonna read it sometime , someday....

that makes us reffrain exposing 100%,

some people maight think it's not wsie to have someone know U inside out....

well then does that = to we dont need to...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

when U close your eyes gently.......

we overworked, that's a known fact.

we do things we need to do,

we do things we dont need to do, we did it anywayz......

we got only 24 hrs a day.........

if we overdid things.......we have less time...right.

Here is my exercise,

In the midst of my business....I paused.....

I close my eyes gently, tell my heart to be quiet....

it's never easy ....usually my mind is still on other things....

But when I could....

there are those moments....Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


a journey of feeling content. Everyday i pray this little prayer sometimes with my eyes closed sometimes not..... let me be real let me be honest let m

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Toronto, Canada
Member Since
November 15, 2008