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joelatay wowtv
Producer , MC / Show Host , Singer
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4 familiar words.

Take it for Granted.

Something we just so used to that 4 words,

we generalised eveyrthing....Life.

That makes us vulunerable to sunddeness...unpredictablity.

in layman's term.....'I dont see it coming...!!'   'I'd never thought it would come/end like this!"

It started with good intentions....smooth things out....less to worry......do stuff without hesitation,

restrictions/limits/discpline.....then laziness....we just hope things going our way...according...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

both arms up!!!

2009, 1st great moment.

G's Grandma resume conciousness. Still couldnt speak just yet.

We and G asked Mama, if she understood our questions,

Raise her hand.

I'd said, if Mama become well again,

'Can U treat me to a dinner??'

not only hand, but she had raised both arms!!!

Puzzling whether i should stick to my comfy counch after a long night,

Maybe some other day some other time.......it was then 2pm,

215pm made up my mind. I need to go see mama.

It ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

10 9 8....








Happy 2009.

Dont Look back just start anew.

Never thought 2 coffees plus some Japanese Tea would wake me up 215am .

Used to sleep staright thru the night no matter whether it's tea/coffee/milk that i drank b4

the night........Slowed down Metabolism.....Aging....hahha.......

That's another way to say Aging I guess....or just accidental night only???

Not as clear cut as those lines appeared on face , end of eyes....

s...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

based on a True Story-Happening Now

Names had been altered.

Time: Present

Mama=someone's grandma, same person that took care of G for 29yrs

G=host for Producer Y show

Producer Y friend of G says:

k,man im going back home

J says:

G just called me now mAMA AT hOSPTIAL in a room finally...

J says:

no reponse

J  says:

he cried i listened

*9mil  my son loves choi sum  says:

i was with son

Producer Y friend of G says:

....feel sad

J s...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Worst Enemy



self Pity?


No true friends?

True Love?

False Love?

No Hope in everything?


Too much Wealth?

Know too much?


Seaparated/Divorced Parents?


too weak?

too gentle?









Need to Belong?



..........qelhu...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

50% Off

IF there are frim believers of evolution, that human beings are slowly evolved to who we are today,

physically and mentally. I'd gathered some observation during Christmas Holidays, well actually

from any festivities thruout the yr where stores go on SALES.

U saw SALES sign everywhere, 50% off, Buy 1 get 1 free, some go as far as buy 1 get 2 free.

U r seeing Q's everywhere, especially on BOxing Day(in Toronto),

the day after Christmas is where people go lineup for super deals....super deals??

So...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

short 3-freshly afftermovie

1253 past midnight......

total quietness....both enviroment and mind.....a very feel especially while writing.

'Nixon Frost. ' that was what I said to the girl in charge of ticketing when I made it to the cinema.

'Frost Nixon.' -that was the correct order.

I was above 10km/hr all the way down to the cinema.....all roads.....all streets....

and the lights of those same streets was 80% Green or turned Green....

So u can imagine what a smooth ride i had on a boxing day n...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

short 2

I planned to wrtie 3....but i know i only have time for 2 b4 I go C movie....

in 15 minutes.....this one has to be done....rish rush....ahha that's ok..

I guess that's the benefit living alone....so free..so random....yet so satisfied.

As a result....house is kind of messy....but no one would see it....so...happy reason no.N

manytimes...we felt down when we compared with others...

We were out measured in so many variables, categories...

first....people outrich us

Jobs  outbettered us we ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

short 1

Racing back to change my wet bottmed jean then rush back out to my favourite activitiy-movie.

933pm now showtime 1015 +15min commercials and trailers....

which means I have sometime to drop down some of my short thoughts....but still

can make it to my movie 2 today. Yes...watched Doubt-Meryl Streep will win oscar with this role,

Tonite...Nixon Frost.

It was one of those snowing melting night from -4C, the later in the night the higher the temp,

it will be 8C by 4am.....onlyt happen in Toorntoo, never in...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


so happy here!!.....30 people....hot pot......sing self set up K....from China....from HK....from Taiwan.

All sing...laughs....someone's mom (restaurant owner)is happy.

simple.....no tricks....no one drunk...$10Each.....dont want to leave.....

and finally chose to go to a real Karaoke.....search for an hour......

cos idea pops up spontaneously.

2 groups.....one headed home.....2nd....went on.

2008 Christmas Eve is a special day for all of us.

Cos Never would have thought we could mix so wel...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


a journey of feeling content. Everyday i pray this little prayer sometimes with my eyes closed sometimes not..... let me be real let me be honest let m

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Toronto, Canada
Member Since
November 15, 2008