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Ryan Hui
Musician , Singer
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Wing Shya x Alivenotdead x Diesel = One kick-@ss party!

Big thanks to Wing Shya for the honor being included in his photo exhibit, Alivenotdead for supporting the local music scene, and to Diesel for the cool threads.  It was great to see the whole gang at the opening party the other night and I hope there are more great things to come.  If you didn't get a chance to see the works (of one of HK's best photographers ever!) you have until the Oct.28.  More info Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

Skate and Destroy !!! | 滑板及破壞!!!

The Zoo York team was in HK and did a demo at Mei Foo on Saturday which was really cool.  It was great because tons of people showed up and they had a game of S.K.A.T.E. for the local skaters.  You can check out more at www.hkskateboarding.com.  Good stuff!

| Zoo York組合周六在香港Mei Foo做的表演非常酷,有很多人特地來看,他們還跟本地滑板愛好者一起玩S.K.A.T.E.遊戲。到www.hkskateboarding.com看更多內容,很有意思!

|Zoo York组合周六在香港Mei Foo做的表演非常酷,有很多人...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

Emperor of Kowloon | 九龍皇帝

Today I went back to the Emperor of Kowloon exhibit at Olympic City took take more pics.  I went once last week but there was a big function happening and a ton of people.  This time I got to slowly take my time and admire the great works on display.  There's only two more days left so if you get a chance check it out.  Respect!!

| 今天到奧海城的"九龍皇帝展"拍了一些照片。上周我已經來過了,但那時在舉行盛大典禮,人也太多。這次我可以慢慢欣賞這些偉大的作品。展覽只剩兩天時間了,如果有空就去看看。崇拜!!

| 今天到奥海城的”九龙皇帝展”拍了一些照片。上周我已经来过了,但那时在举行盛大典礼,人也太多。这次我可以慢慢欣赏这些伟大的作品。展览只剩两天时间了,如果有空就去看看。崇...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

New Radiohead!! | 新的Radiohead!!

I’ve been listening to a lot of new music this week and watching some pretty cool music videos so here are a few of my favorites thus far….  

By the way the new Radiohead CD will be out on Oct.10!  They just announced it and said you can pre-order on their website Radiohead.com.  They’re not on label now (their contract was recently completed) so they are taking control of it themselves.  They kept it a secret until a few days ago.  Hell yeah!

| 這周我聽了許多新CD,看了很多很酷的MV,下面是一些心水推薦…另外,10月10日Radiohead發行新CD!!這是發布不久的消...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival !!! | 中秋節快樂!!!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!!  I hope you all had time to have dinner with your family today or sometime this week.  Too bad you can't play with candles and lanterns like the old days.  I remember going to the World Wide Gardens (Shatin) park and light candles along the pond with my brother Scott and our friends.  Those were good times...

| 祝大家中秋節快樂!!希望你們今天都能跟家裏人一起吃晚餐,或本周抽個時間。真可惜,不能象小時侯一樣玩蠟燭和燈籠了。我還記得在沙田的世界花園,跟弟弟Scott和朋友們在池塘邊一起點蠟燭。真是愉快的時光…

| 祝大家中秋节快乐!!希望你们今天都能跟家里人一起吃晚餐,或本周抽个时间。真可惜,不能象小时侯一样玩...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

All That Jazz !! | 爵士樂!!

I spent some time in the studio last week laying down more guitar tracks.  So far the music is pretty much done on the first 2 singles but we’re just waiting for the Chinese lyrics.  I think you guys will really dig the new stuff so thanks once again for all the patience and support!  In the meantime I started up my Jazz guitar lessons yesterday which is fun but hard.  I’ve never been the type that sits for 8 hours a day practicing but I’m trying to put in more time to become a better player.  All my close friends know that I’ve be...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Friendly Competition | 友好的比賽

Last Friday I was invited to be the special guest at Tom Lee’s Soundbase Acoustic competition and it was a blast.  It was really cool seeing so many different types of groups playing good covers and originals.  Hopefully these competitions will continue to push people to write more music and to play live.  I really think the HK scene can be really great but we all got to do it together and support each other to make it happen.  So let’s show everyone what we can do.  Keep fighting!

|  上周五我被邀作為嘉賓參加Tom Lee”原音Soundbase Aco...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

iAddict !! | i迷!

Well, I broke down yesterday and got the new ipod nano and I gotta say it’s pretty cool.  They also released the new itouch too but since I’m kind of interested in the iphone I decided to wait for that instead.  Since I have a bad habit of dropping my phone and leaving it in taxis I might not get it at all.  Why is it so hard to resist the apple gear?  Once you get your hands on a Mac desktop/laptop it’s almost impossible to not want to buy everything they put out.  If they ever put out an icar I would be so screwed.  Ha!

|  昨天拿到了新...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

Thanx Everyone !! | 謝謝大家!!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and the great gifts. I can’t believe another year has gone by already…craziness!! This year I had the most people singing “happy birthday” to me so big thanks to everyone at Panyu who came out and to all the peeps that were at the 24 Herbs video shoot. Love you guys!!

Playing back in my family's...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

Really Old School !! | 很古舊的學校!!

We filmed last week at this old house in Yuen Long and it was pretty weird being so far away from the city.  At the same time it was cool seeing how the houses were but I don't think I can live with out my air-con in this weather....haha!

| 上周我們在元朗這間老宅子拍攝。這房子離城市那麽遠,有點怪異。看到舊宅的確不錯,但這樣的天氣又沒有空調,我可沒辦法在這裏住…哈哈! | 上周我们在元朗这间老宅子拍摄。这房子离城市那么远,有点怪异。看到旧宅的确不错,但这样的天气又没有空调,我可没办法在这里住…哈哈!

This ...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares


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April 19, 2007