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Back from the Highlands !!!

We made it back from Malaysia safely and it was a blast!  It was cool getting out  for a few days while hanging with the fam and playing music.  Thanks to everyone who came to the shows and to all the Galaxy peeps for having us again.  And thanks to the security staff for letting us cut in lines for the rollercoasters...heh heh.  Oh, and Valentine's day was my brother Scott's birthday so drop him a line!  See ya next week.

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Kung Hei Fat Choi !! | 恭喜發財!!

Kung Hei Fat Choi!!  Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!!  I'm updating my blog from Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia tonight.  Its nice to get out of town for a few days and do a couple of shows with my dad.  Here's some pics of my hella fun new year's day yesterday that started off at my parents house and then ended in Macau.

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Can't Help It !!!

Well, I finished the "Can't Help It" musical last week and it was great.  I haven't had that much fun in a while.  It was cool because I had the chance to work with some really great and talented people that sing, dance, and act.  Usually I'm just playing guitar and singing so it was a stretch doing that while dancing (just a few steps) and playing Danny from Grease.  After 2 songs I was already out of breath!  I can't imagine doing 2 two hour shows dancing and singing like these guys.  Respect!!

This w...Read more

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New Single "天下不亂" !!! | 新單曲"天下不亂"!!!

I'm excited to finally let you guys see and hear my new single "天下不亂."  I hope you guys enjoy it and I must say that I had the best time filming this vid with my brother Scott directing and with my boys Jun Kung and Ah Sing backing me up.  Also extra love to Eric Kwok (my producer) and Jun for their guidance.  Plus special thanks to all the peeps behind Alivenotdead and the amazing artists on the site for their support.  This was totally a group effort and its just the beginning so hold o...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares

Re:spect !!!

Today I got a copy of the new respect mag and was glad to see that they still continue to support the local band scene and really care for HK music.  I think they are probably one of the last Chinese publications that only focuses on music and is free.  This issue even features the Poly-U band show we did last month, Khalil Fong ( 方大同), Clot, and my boys 24 Herbs!  I'm just glad these guys putting so much effort into supporting the scene because we all need to work together.  Like NOFX once said "we're doing this for the cause!"...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares

Free9 !!!

Last night I went to A-Yeu's ( 張震嶽) show at Star Hall and it kicked ass!  It was really refreshing seeing such a great artist come to HK and just rock out.  I don't know many artists that can change from really heavy rock stuff to pop to a little hip-hop without compromising his own musical style and edge.  I think if you can define your music without saying anything it goes a long way.  I'm constantly told in HK "if you're playing distorted guitars you have to be rock," or "if you're not playing loud guitars you&...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

Top Ten !!! | 前十名!!!

I noticed that lots of music mags and websites have been listing their favorite albums of 2007 lately. So I've decided to share my favs too.  I think it's kind of rad seeing what people were into this year and it makes me excited to do more in 2008.  Plus I always find these lists cool because they might introduce you to your next favorite band.  What's your top 10?

Radiohead - In Rainbows

Bright Eyes  - Cassadaga

Elliot Smith - New Moon

Soler -X2

Fall out Boy - Infinity On High

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Get your award on !!! | 收獎入囊!!!

Well its been a busy week trying to get things ready for some up coming shows but well worth it.  I'm really excited to get to play with Michael Wong and his big band on Sunday in Times Square.  I love swing music (especially Benny Goodman, Glen Miller, and Brian Setzer Orchistra) so it was a no brainer plus I'm a huge jazz fan too.  I think we'll have fun rockin' with the band.  I also get to play with Paul Wong, Jun, Josie, 24 Herbs, Candy Lo, Koler, and some other great bands at Wild Day Out which should b...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

5..4..3..2..1 !!!

I can't believe its been another year!  Things seem to go faster and faster the older you get and before you know it we'll be talking about the days when we were going crazy playing in rock bands...ha!  I would just like to take this time to thank everyone who supported me this year and took the time to listen.  Extra love to all the peeps at Alivenotdead for bringing so many cool people together.  Let's all make 2008 one kick ass year to remember!

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16 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Tis the Season....!!!!! | 節日到了…!!!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!  I hope all of you get to spend time with your families and friends this season and that Santa Claus brings you some cool gifts.  I just finished wrapping presents this evening and I must say waiting untill the last minute to buy stuff sucks (getting in and out of TST and Causeway Bay was crazy!).  I always try to plan ahead and buy stuff early but every year I'm doing the same thing!  Next year for sure.......(yeah right)...

| 祝大家聖誕及新年快樂!希望你們都跟家人一起度過美好假期,收到聖誕老人送的...Read more

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
April 19, 2007