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bryant fong
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Being a Champion

As we get closer to competition time I talked to students about what makes a champion.  One of the things one has to do is to practice one's form until it is reflex.......but actually while that's good it still is not enough.......you have to be consistent so that everytime you perform a technique it is the same.  Any doubt or part you have problem with will invariably show when you compete.  The mind must not try to analyze or think about what it is doing..........this is the State of Mushin, where the mind is relaxed but completely...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Update on Sichuan

Wanted to update everyone on the final numbers from the Memorial Weekend fundraiser for the Earthquake Victims in Sichuan.  We were able to raise $72,178.39!!  Thank you to all performers and students for supporting this event.  The money will be donated to the Shin Shin Foundation which will use the money to rebuild the schools in Sichuan.  There is plenty still to do there, the Tiger Claw Foundation will continue to accept funds to help the earthquake Victims.  You can also now go to the Tiger Claw Foundation Website, MartialArtsMart.com....Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

The Tradition of White Crane

Tradition is an important part of Chinese Culture.........everything is based on that which came before and the preservation and understanding of the past is very important.  Modern Wushu is sort of a break from this tradition...............in the past when you became a master of Kung-fu you were the transmitter of knowledge from the past and expected to past it on to the next generation. Modern wushu has little to transmit.........you don't need to past on compulsory forms or individual forms.....in the past forms contained ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

On Strike

Arrived on UC Campus this week. and the medical workers and janitorial staff are out on strike for higher wages.  While the University is charging higher tuition of the students they are paying it's workers less!  Yeah, the University is proud of the fact they don't discriminate....that's why they did away with minority admissions...........and underpaying the minority help!!  Most of the medical and janitorial staff jobs on campus are held by Chicano and Asian Workers.......40 years after the Third World Strike for Ethnic Studies at UC...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Counting down and catching up

Easy to loose track of things when there's a lot of time involved..........the Beijing Olympics is only three weeks away!  From students that just returned from Beijing, they said China is slowly getting prepared.......new buses and Taxi's are everywhere......and construction has halted........everywhere people are putting the final touches on buildings getting ready for the big event..........I think the Chinese people are quite proud of their accomplishments....questions is whether the government is ready to administer...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Hot like Hell

Well, fortunately for us it has cooled down some...weather has been up in the 80's...and in the South Bay even higher.  One good thing about living in SF is the offshore breezes and fog....it keeps those hot days in check.........but most importantly the cooling trend will help the thousands of firefighters with putting out the raging forest fires in California.......it so bad that my eyes burn sometimes and the air is really bad....can actually smell the burning fires........at one time there was over 1.000 firs burning at the same time!  ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Good Tech, Bad Tech, Who gives a Tech

As I have said before love modern tech............always can find a use for it........I keep the music for our performances on different Ipods, and my PSP holds all the forms I need to teach or the latest competition forms in China.....and I can listen to Zencasts on my Creative M player........only one small problem....you need a computer to control things.  That's where the problems begin.......while we have a little mini MAC on our desk it just mainly surfs and does email.......it's the real basic version.  Fo...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

San Jose Shaolin

This week ended with meeting with the San Jose Shaolin Monks.  They are planning along with the Chinese Performing Arts Association (CPAA) to host the International Martial Arts Tournament (InMat) on July 26.  Those who are interested in competing in this event need to get ahold of the registration form right away!  Information can be accessed on their website at: www.CPAAartscenter.com.  The advertisement for this event has been out, but there were no specfics for some time....Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


This week began with Shaolin Monks and ended with them.  At the beginning of the week met with newly arrived Zhang en Song.....discussed with him matters concerning immigration.  There are now so many monks from Shaolin in the Bay Area.  He and his fellow monks are opening the first Shaolin Temple in the Bay Area....they have set up the Temple in the City of Fremont.  He will be teaching Shaolin wushu at the Fremont Temple.  Shaolin has changed so much....when I went to visit the Temple in Soongshan in 1980.......only eight  monks were living there t...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Changes are in the wind

On Thursday, went to Taiji Class.........and got a surprise.....all the students had on a new Taiji  workout shirt that Michel made for the class.....it has a big picture on the back of me posing with a nandao..............hehe....sort of kool, though I am usually not that interested in promoting myself......the Art comes first....I am only a passer on of knowledge...............but it's nice that your students feel it's important to advertise for their teacher.  I have resisted starting any new classes for a long time....but ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares


Coming: Sept 14 Mid-Autumn Festival Sept 15 Dragon Boat Festival Oct 12 4th Annual Golden State Chinese Martial Arts Champions

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin, german, spanish
Location (City, Country)
San francisco, United States
Member Since
December 27, 2007