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bryant fong
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South San Francisco Centennial

During most of the Spring Break our Team members were getting ready for upcoming performances and for the 16trh Annual CMAT at UC Berkeley.  Wednesday Jared showed up with Ryan.....and Ryan (Jared's Bro), Elissa and Pam........they are part of the Opening Ceremony for CMAT.........they will be part of the Lion Awakening Ceremony Performance.  New lions cannot be danced until they are properly blessed and protected from bad influences....the lion must be "dotted" with chicken blood by an important dignitary...he wi...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Olympics and Politics

As we get closer to the Olympics in August everyone is gearing up for probably one of the most exciting events in the world.  I even got a call from the Chinese Embassy they want to do a big public demonstration of Wushu and Taiji to draw attention to the Beijing Olympics.  But it also brings out the naysayers and politicos........lots of people calling for the boycott of the Games because China has many human rights violations, then there of course are the Falun gung Cultists, and now the Tibetan Freedom Movement.......while I can symp...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Seminars Continue

Saturday Morning finally arrived..........and so did lots of people I had not seen in awhile in class..........good to see Percy, Josh, Ben, William, Keith..............that and Glenn brought in guys from his Kenpo School............it was great to see all these people attend............especially since these guys all knew how to fight already.........the seminars would give them some new techniques....and develop some new strategies for them to use.  But before application the morning session stressed the practice of  Bagua Qigong............Read more

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Wushu and the Film Festival

Actually, wushu doesn't have any connection to this year's Asian Film Festival.......but since this week the YMCA has been closed for spring cleaning I wanted to do Taiji and Wushu  in the Japantown Peace Plaza............found out that I couldn't because of the Film Festival and the Cherry Blossom Festival were using the Plaza.  So, we got stuck practicing on the side of the YMCA...........it was so cold and windy there that even the qigong could not get your hands warm!!  Later, I moved us closer to the Parking Lot ....Read more

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Seminar Day 3

Going strong still....but my feet are starting to hurt.......one of the results of having been a contemporary wushu practioner.....all the jumping and fallen arches do not help as one gets older....if not for Aaron our acupuncture doctor....I would not be walking!!  Again a quick breakfast at May's Coffee Shop...................we saw Peter there and he stopped by to greet master Yang......Pete also promised to show up for practice sometime.........we will be expecting you!  Kumiko had her lesson first on Fan 3.................getting hard ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Seminar Day 2

This turned out to be a real whirlwind tour......just like bagua is suppose to be..........everyday was packed with practice, meeting up with old students and friends, and lots of note taking. But I will tell it one day at a time!  Thursday morning began with an early breakfast  at May's Coffee Shop in the Japantown Mall..........it use to be a Japanese owned Coffee shop........now it's owned by some people from China...........and serves Hawaiian-Chinese Japanese American breakfast and lunch.   I had the French Toast and Ham Combinatio...Read more

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Seminar Day 1

Day began early with a quick trip to SFO, Glenn and I however, were late as the plane from China arrived  a half an hour early...........doesn't happen often! found Master Yang chatting with a woman from Shanghai that he met on the flight......it's still a big thing to get to come to America.  Then gave him the scenic tour of San Francisco by taking the long route first to Chinatown then to Japantown.  He was impressed with all the Chinese people and businesses.....Chinatown he said felt just like Beijing!!  Then we got him to the place...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Bagua Seminar Mar 8-9

For those of you in the Bay Area...the YMCA and myself will be hosting a Bagua weekend Seminar.  The guest instructor is Master Yang Shi Ming from Beijing he is a disciple of Master Zhao Da Yan  who is from the Liangzhenpu Bagua line.  Liang style Bagua is not as fancy as say Cheng Bagua....is more direct and concentrated on simplicity of movement and economy of motion.  Seminar will cover application and 64 Linking Palms, and Bagua Iron Fan.  If you need more specifics please email!  That's all for now...but this will keep me busy ...Read more

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2008 Collegiate Wushu Nationals

On Saturday...after 5 months of preparation.....the Collegiate Wushu Championships finally are here!!  Calwushu team finished it's last run thru's on Friday and loaded up Saturday to drive down to Stanford University.  I however, could not leave with them because I had a Taiji Class and Wushu class to teach in the morning.  I finished this week's Sun Taiji Lesson with some Taosist Yoga....a really good cool down.  As I was about to leave one of the student's stopped me with  a question.  He wanted to know was i...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Lion Dancing 2008 and more

Wow, you would think after CNY things would slow down a bit.....but no we are still going full blast!  Wednesday I was out with my buddies and Kei Lun dedicating the new Intercontinnetal Hotel in downtown San Francisco.  My buddies and I often referred to as the " three amigos".......Marvin is from the old Luk Mo Kung-fu School...one of Chinatown's oldest Choy Lay Fut School, Glenn from the famous Golden Lions of the 60's...it was the first prototype lion dance club in Chinatown......they brought lots of people to...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


Coming: Sept 14 Mid-Autumn Festival Sept 15 Dragon Boat Festival Oct 12 4th Annual Golden State Chinese Martial Arts Champions

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin, german, spanish
Location (City, Country)
San francisco, United States
Member Since
December 27, 2007