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bryant fong
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American Media get it Right!

Sometimes I wonder what American reporters and journalist are doing .......do they even see and report what is actually going on......or do this go thru the motions?  I say this only because I have been reading the Bay area Media on the Torch Relay in SF.    They have no idea what is going on!!  CW Nevius.....claimed that China brought in Bus Loads of sympathizers during the Torch Ceremony...implying no one supports China in the SF Community.......I got news for you there were at least  600 performers for the Tai Chi Performance ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Hun Yan Chen Taiji Seminars 2008

For the last two weeks, my good friend and Classmate Master Chen Xiang and the Grandmaster's daughter Madame Feng Xu Qian, have been in the San Francisco Bay Area teaching Hun Yan Taiji.  It is a rare opportunity to get to study with such great teachers of the style.  Master Chen specialty is application, you only have to have him show you an application to feel how powerful he is......his attack is like an ocean wave smashing into you.  He has great patience, and will often repeat forms or movements over and over again u...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Wuyi Shan and the Forbidden Kingdom

Part of making a good movie is the location of the shoot, it can make or break a good film. Forbidden Kingdom goes to the countryside of Fuzhou to tell it's story.  Wuyi Shan looks like a place out of the pages of a kung-fu movie.  In ancient times, this area was a place of contemplation by Taoist Monks, Confucius,and a place to write poems. As such this area has lots of lush vegetaion, forest, and many interesting hills and mountains. Then composition of the soil and the mountains........gives the mountains a purple c...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Cherry Blossom Festival

One of the nice things about having classes in Japantown is that we are always in one of the cultural centers of San Francisco.  Japantown has a Festival for every season so there is always something to see and do.  Every year the Festival begins with the San Francisco Taiko Dojo stating off with a Taiko Performance.  It's sort of cool that the warm up excercises that the drummers do are Chen Taiji Ruler Qigong moves that I taught Sensei Tanaka....he always tells everyone Taiko came from China and that adding martial movements fro...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Forbidden Kingdom

Jackie and Jet's new movie  is opening April 18th......it's  awesome!!  I got an invitation from Tiger Claw and Lionsgate to attend a sneak preview of the Forbidden Kingdom.  Simu and I arrived at 5:30pm............at the Sundance Kabuki Theatre....people were already in line with chairs and food waiting for the showing to begin.  About 6pm Gene and Gigi  from Tiger Claw arrived with friends and staff..........we waited and chatted briefly about CMAT and the Torch Ceremony........Gene wanted to know how it ended since he left earlie...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

The San Francisco Olympic Torch Relay

The Olympic Torch is coming to San Francisco today.  It marks a very proud moment for the Chinese Community in San Francisco.......China hosting the Olympic Games will open China for all to see it's accomplishments and it's goal of bringing the country into the 21st Century.  Of course, with this opening of China it opens itself to criticism.  It is too bad that many people put their politics before the Olympic spirit........the spirit of competition unites us all  to strive for peace....the people of China want ...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Hong Kong Olympic Delegation

CMAT is over and done with but this was not to be the end of the week.  Sunday Master Tat Mau Wong invited me to attend a party celebrating the Olympic Torch coming to San Francisco.  The party was hosted by the Hong Kong Olympic Delegation at New Asia Garden.....downstairs were the Chinatown Community Celebration, and upstairs was the Wushu Community. The event was attended by almost every major traditional Wushu School in San Francisco.  Many old friends I have not seen in along time.........Sifu Y.C.  Wong, Hong Jia Quan, Gran...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

16th Annual CMAT

Video: http://http://youtube.com/watch?v=J_8pj4b0EdUSuper heroes Sparring!

Well, CMAT has come and gone!! It was a tremendous undertaking requiring hundreds of volunteers, 90 Judges, and over 450 competitors...and over 14 hours to complete!  There were many great performances,and many old friends I have not seen in awhile, which is one of the great things about CMAT; it brings together the Martial Arts Community and gives you a sense of the Family of Wu...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Countdown to CMAT

One day and counting to the 16th Annual Chinese Martial Arts Tournament at the University   of California at Berkeley.  Hope you all will be there!!  There are at least 450 competitors, 90 judges and over 500 volunteers for this event, that will bring together some of the very best Wushu Competitors in the United States.  and if you want to rub elbows and get autographs, many of China's best retired wushu athletes will be on hand to judge.  For those of you who are Jet Li Fans......too bad, he won't be there, but many of the ex-Beij...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Masters of Taiji Quan

This week was Spring Break...... !!  Yeah, time to kick back and relax!  But, life still goes on.  so on Monday I was off to Cupertino to take part in the dedication and opening of the East-West University's Masters Degree Program.  It will be the first program of it's kind in the United States offering a degree in the teaching of Taiji...and will require students to both study philosophy and to learn the basic elements of Taiji.  It will also, importantly help students from other coun...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


Coming: Sept 14 Mid-Autumn Festival Sept 15 Dragon Boat Festival Oct 12 4th Annual Golden State Chinese Martial Arts Champions

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin, german, spanish
Location (City, Country)
San francisco, United States
Member Since
December 27, 2007