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Terry Lee
Composer , Musician
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an anthology of love jones

I have some demos up on my page. Not songs but demos. Working copies so u can hear it as it's made. By the time I hit the studio and become the..ahem...superproducer...no....that title i dont deserve.....the music tastemaker i am...the song becomes poilished. But i boast on the fact that my demos have emotions in them. They are sketches to me and I would love to share it with everyone. From me to you.

U Love Me

this is a song i wrote about a girl i know that I probably will not try to get with not because she...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

dear cherice

you ROCK..

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

dear china

dear china

dear china, its been a minute or two,

haven't heard from you, assume you're busy too,

dear china, it's been a long time coming,

and since you're here now, i'm sticking around too.

dear china, say hello to tomorrow,

she's a friend of mine and wanted her to meet you.

dear china, sure you heard the shit they said,

they speak of me too but i'm in love with you.

dear china, where you wanna eat tonight,

how about that potsticker place ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Hong Kong Fo Life

Last night was the most awesome night in my history of coming to Hong Kong.

I am at Gate 1 now at the Hong Kong Airport. An hour early.

I need to rush back to Taipei to finish an S.H.E song by this evening.

But this is why last night was extremely dope.

Me and the ROCK..went to an EDC party. Show love to the greatest MC in the history of Chinese People and possibly even hip hop, The Penguin- Jin The MC. It was definitely worth the one night in HK. The show was great and that is where I met Simon Yin.

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

the chinese government is NOT a dictatorship...geez....

i hardly get mad at human rights groups. I believe they are there for a reason and i respect them.

however, sometimes, there are a few bad apples who over react or even lie.

i just saw some Swiss guy from a human rights watch group criticizing China on CNN.

what got me was him describing the Chinese government as a dictator like REGIME.

are u fucking kidding me? people use that word usually for cruel dictatorships.

China on the other hand is not.

i am not...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

the unbearable lightness of floating

today my speakers blew.

i guess it's the universe's sign of saying " T, take a minute to reflect"

so i'm reflecting.

last night i was having a lengthy chat with a good friend about music, the business and where we want to go as we all don't know where it's headed.

i remembered my only intention when i got into this is eventually have left the business making one thing that counts.

music isn't it cause there are so many talented musicians in the wor...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

The Good Feathers

So insider news says there's a new boy band or man band forming.

I hear it involves some of the best in the business. Musicians, Singers, Actors, MTV execs, Scrawny keyboard players and DANCERS!

Apparently, they are the best thing since Jodeci. The new NKOTB. Not F4 but a G5. They are all tall. They all speak English as a second language and Mandarin as a third cause MUSIC is their first.

One member is the Condor. I manage to steal this photo from a photographer friend of mine. What a fuckin' stud...

...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

Dr Tye and The Love Factory

I ended work at about 11pm today. After that, my phone rang non stop. My msn kept going off with people i haven't spoken in awhile all saying the same thing: how depressed or unhappy they were?

Not one, not two, maybe even three. All at the same time.

I haven't been very happy since two years ago and often found myself going in circles and not quite figuring out why? Work was that way. Everything was. I even messed myself up pretty bad in love the last time and probably hurt her too in ways that I didn'...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

My Desire (U Remind me of a Jodeci Song)

My Desire

  • contains a hella chunk of a sample from Jodeci's Love U 4 Life

Eyes like diamonds,

Lots of color like your name was Rodman,

Van says you got a boyfriend,

I think I met your boyfriend,

I can't help the feeling,

A hundred grand says you're the one i'm feeling,

Next time I see you, maybe i should tell you,

that i think about you all the time

If you don't mind girl, could u keep me on your mind cause...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

What Are You Doing August 2nd?

what are you doing August 2nd?

will you being doing this?

i love you, serena. i know you'll be there...

BUT will you being doing what i'll be doing? the biggest night in taipei this year.

you know where i'll be.......Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Taipei, Taiwan
Member Since
November 20, 2007