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Terry Lee
Composer , Musician
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1018AM Live From The Dove Shack

950AM Update:

The Dove Shack is bustling with activity this morning.

The SupaTroopas, my own musical Umpa Lumpas, were up early and started running around the yard by the time I woke at 8am.

Captain Chief Rocka, the officer in charge of bass kiks, informed me of the arrival of a new bass kik which I was extremely excited to go see. In my pajamas, I ran out to the back yard and saw the most amazing piece of sonic art I have ever encountered.

I called for a Low End Audio meeting with all necessa...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

these songs i write...

dear god...

i was thinking  the other day....

i've been writing these songs for years.

i must have close to 500 now at least.

and i woke today...and found myself...

still writing. i wrote 4 songs since 7 pm last ni...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Magic Island And The Quest For The Perfect Song

I've been having a deep misunderstanding with my best friend/brother/business partner and it's really be disrupting work quite a bit. But it's not one built on hate but because everyone is so passionate to achieve the same goal. It's unfortunate because it's a case of wrong assumptions.

It led me to think as I was on the way home this evening of whether I enjoy what I do. People often say there's no many in music. They are right. There's a lot of free shit and there's mon...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

who is this Carmine Folksy?

My old pal, acclaimed author and researcher Mr Carmine Folksy recently wrote such a beautiful entry of me in the quarterly journal from The Institute of Pop Music.

He speaks so kindly that man...

music’s willy wonka by carmine folksy

For many years, I, Carmine Folksy, President of The Foundation For The Rights Your Ears Have have been relentless trying to track down the exact identity, location of the eccentric, borderline-genius but absolutely suave musical mad professa.....(That’s professor spelt professa...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

we all love him....

over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

an intention for today

an intention for August 13.

anyone who reads this entry will leave this blog knowing that today Aug 13 will be one of the best days of his/her life.

anyone who reads this entry will leave this blog considering the benefits of making 2 people extremely happy today.

anyone who reads this entry will love ABOVE the Dove and be a positive influence to those around him and her.

i make this intention, with the best of the Universe's interest and this intentions should come in the most positive and natural w...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

a ballad for the DOVE hater....

a ballad for the DOVE hater....

do not hate THE DOVE just cause you can't love,

do you love like above, do you love like THE DOVE,

do your kicks and snares bang like THE DOVE,

so you're cloud 9, well, look, who's above,

yes it's THE DOVE, drums banging just enough,

it's not the People Vs Simpson, lyrics fit like a glove,<...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Live From The Dove Shack

hey whats up, fuckers? i'm the world famous DOVE reporting to you live from The Dove Shack.

no, not the one from the summer of 95, yes, the one from the world famous GoodFeddas!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Do you love....like Dove?

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

The Reasons Why I Am Awesome..Did I mention you are awesome too?

an excerpt from my forthcoming book:

"The Reason Why U Absolutely Love Me- The Idiot's Guide To Special Powers"

I do not sweat anything.

I do not understand the concept of failure cause it does not exist.

-There is only success and on the way to it there are lessons.

I call hot chics "dude".

  • Cause it's so natural to casually do so without realizing they get offended. I am not sorry for that.

I wake...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares


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November 20, 2007