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Pauline C
Fashion / Costume Designer
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fashion with a passion..

I am becoming a regular sunday Blogger.... its the time when i can chill and update y'all on the happenings of this week.. just got in from HK... decided i am off to Boracay to catch up with a really good friend of mine who just landed back in Manilla from Canada. Really looking forward to hanging on the beach and by the sea.. good spot.

I was just thinking about fashion.. again... it's around this time of the year when people are asking  about the trends for the new season... its become second nature to me.. and in f...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

happy hols

oooooh so excited.... gonna go home for christmas.. for the first time in many years...and a quickie break for myself next week somewhere...hot hot hot... feeling sooo pastey...I love DEC... for all the saggitarians out there.....WE ARE DA BOMB...


about 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


Hey all...

Just hopped in from BJ for 5 days for work.. busy busy.. managed to sneak out for brunch and a quick pitstop here at 798.

798 used to be the code for this area in Beijing during the wall so that the enemies.. didn't know where exactly to bomb..cos it was coded with a number...i am sure some of you will of course know it better than me...i first went here like 2 years ago... and it was pretty derelict...

It has become an artist area..old industrial buildings.. bauhaus architecture.. russian spaces.. now all w...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares



are you truly free from yourself? i have always pursued peace and harmony.. and for that you become selfish.. and you make sacrifices on friends and family in order to pursue this freedom.

we are all our own worst enemies..

everyone has choices that they make in life. I made one last week... a big part of the cleaning and chuckin' that i was doing last week. Now i am getting ready.

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about 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


Spending a lovely weekend in xiamen... helping frends to move.. inspired me to move my own furniture around and start CLEAnin' and Chuckin' out anything i haven't used in 2007..haha is that a great rule or what? THE WEATHER WAS GREAT had a nice relaxing brunch on a local terrace.. sometimes this really helps momentarily  forget that i am in fact  here in china..until something got screwed up with the order.. seems like a running joke now that we never quite get what you order when you are out.. partic...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


Just watched TY"s True colors... and it provoked some thoughts... sometimes i have walked around thinking about where i am and what i have been doing.. when i walk around ..it can be in a daze.. like i am part in a movie.. of myself...it's like speed watching myself sometimes....rewind and replaying the motion...observing the surroundings... other people.. the beautiful things that are around you.. they do not always have to be pleasant,  they can be disturbing to look at...or ugly.. but it evokes an emotion....Yes you sometimes need to ta...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Cherish your World.....

Cherish your world.. became the SENSibility of our design philosophy and living.

We are all trying to now do good and be more aware of our surrounding environment. We do what we can to motivate, support and FIX what has been take for granted before...fashion can be very superficial.. and that is the part i really dislike about it.

When i first set up our workshop.. our attitude was based on being industrious within our means...usually in an urban environment.. you learn to survive... when hard times come.. you do what ...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

fashion v business

Venting today... very few corporate people understand the deep relationship between luxury fashion and the business of fashion. i have met 1person in my lifetime who understood and was behind serious fashion and supported it.

When you have fashion guru's who are so focused on the product and how much it can make that they think they have discovered the NEXT BIGGEST thing.. it is quite sad when they have no heart and soul for creativity. They are sucked into a highly commercial world of mass.

Luxury is a feeling that ca...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Weekend inspirations in HK..

Relaxing weekend in Hong Kong.. of absolutely NO WORK... and finally sorted out my home somewhat and slept in my own bed..... i have been in my apartment there.. almost a year and i finally unpacked the last of my belongings from my move from New York... then a horrible thought crossed my mind.. what if my landlord wants me to move...i swore years ago.. that i wouldn't move again.. and that was in NYC..3 apartments later and across the continents.. i have two homes in asia-- china and Hong Kong... and a homebase is neither.. ...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Cool, Calm and Collected....

calm, cool and collected..... those were fashion words  that i learned early and well in the industry... funny i always hated the glam.. it was weird how i felt like i never really quite belonged.. but that is the same story all my life.... you know you are a bit different....the high adrenalin and stress of deadlines and people freakin out.. brings me back to those words.. remain calm and together.. even when  i  and everyone else was on an unhumane point of no return and pre fashion week.

My creative director when i fir...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


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Member Since
June 5, 2007