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Pauline C
Fashion / Costume Designer
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Okay.. time to PACK THOSE BAGS AGAIN....FASHIONISTA is traveling again... just when the thought that there was just enough time to park my butt on my sofa for just long enough for gravity to sink in..

funny i always loved to travel light and with just enough room .. but now .. my packing consists of SHOES and excess..there are always the little joys that you feel the desire and the need to travel with..in china.. it has become the traveling smellies.. beautiful smelling scents for all sorts of emergencies and places that one m...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares



A COUPLE of CRUCIAL hours left...

http://www.alivenotdead.com/gmanxiii/details.html ... a fellow graphic kid..that i blogged about a bit ago..


has entered this cool competition..to design a MOMIJI doll in collaboration with Selfridges...who will produce the WINNER's design..Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


THE WOES..... BRAND NEW CoSTUME NATIONAL shoes.......SOYA SAUCE got to ONE of THEM......BOOOOOOHOOOOO...SOB.... i am sooooo DAMNED DIStreSSED.....! wondering if they would be kind enough to replace ONE shoe.......NOT to MENTIon .. THE huge HOLE in my heart that i can' t wear ONE shoe...

ANY TIPS to really Stop the LIttle ONE from chewing  everythiNG in SIGHT... now she has  upgrade from SLIPPERS.. to expensive shoES... she is Following the footsteps of her owner..!!


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

Olympic Mascots

Okay i thought i would share this with you all..... during my last trip to HK.. i came across these... the olympics are coming to china this year August.. ..

 there are 5 mascots that were created to represent..

here are some of them..

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almost 17 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares


Was in HK over the weekend... and went along to a Nike One silent auction art exhibition - an arts event all in the name of charity....all proceeds went to Playright Children’s Play Association.

Artists had to create a message of hope on a squarish canvas to share with others - what matters the most to them.

This is the piece that i bid on... and quite excitingly...WON...adrenalin rush anyone??

Love it.... its by an artist who goes by the name Ames*one..

...Read more
almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares


Boil th Kettle and put your feet up...Time to have a cup of tea and share a PNUT moment.....Super excited to be back in HK this weekend and catch up with my friends and be able to spend some time working on projects..I can't believe i have been back in asia for just about 2 weeks now..

Been thinking alot about LA and england alot recently.. something is brewing in the air.

The quick fix in Europe and US has left me craving more..

My little MUtt got her first haircut and no longer looks like a homeless dog.. she also we...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Spring is PEEKING

HI all

 Spring is peeking out from around the corner.... TIME TO PACK AWAY all of those BORING WINTER TOGS.... and go SHOP! after NY and Canada back in FEB.. i swore that i never wanted to be in cold weather again... until i saw a recent edition of Extreme sports.... and i wanted to be on that snow jetski racing around...

I am the ultimate warm weather girl.. love throwing on the colorful tanks.. and styling it up with some accessories..i am loving Neons right now.. and snakeskin.... PYTHONs... all natural and CHIC..there is...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


Hey all


its been a while.. she's now 5 1/2 months.. totally crazed... showing massive terrier instincts...she rags everything.. chews chews CHEWS..all day long.. what is it with dogs and slippers...??? and paper....here is her sporting her NY hoodie...

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

short GETAWAY...

Well..back from a quick stop to BangKok  for the weekend and all well fed and a bit more relaxed than when i flew back from  Europe. Still feeling the jetlag...they say its one day for every hour...i was falling asleep bang on the dot.. 7pm in Bangkok... no matter where i was or what i was doing...quite honestly i think i could have slept for the whole of this weekend...

I personally love Thailand... who doesn't ?? the weather is beautiful.. the people are beautiful.....food is great -  the perfect thing for me would be to have a...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


THIS SAYS IT ALL.... I have been traveling to Paris for the past 12 years religiously for the shows.... my most favorite memory

this says it all.......

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares


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english, cantonese
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Hong Kong
Member Since
June 5, 2007