Official Artist
marcus a.c.
Producer , MC / Show Host , Stylist
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it's still my turf.

i have been lazy lately. especially when it comes to blogging, twittering or posting on FB.i honestly don't see a reason why there's a need to post updates at all?for who? seriously. who?all my important friends text each other.work people email me.so why bother with social media outlets?cos i wanted to write.so my blog is my outlet.cos i wanted to keep up with Oprah & Ryan Seacrest.so twitter is good.cos my manager thought FB would be a useful tool for networking.so he created my account!still. it's my choice to maint...Read more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

power of prayer

to cut the long story short,

i wanna ask ''how do u pray?''

ever get the answers or results u want?


why is that?

''oh... maybe now is not the time...''

''just pray lah then see how things go...''

''no need to pray. He knows one.''

i was like that.

then i got sick. sick of not getting results.

so i asked Him,''why like that one? why no results?!''

He said,''How do ...Read more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

reply or respond?

ever wonder why it takes forever for people to reply or respond?

i thought it would be a brilliant idea to send out e-New Year greeting

to almost all my clients via my new website this year.

this would help promote my company website & reconnect where possible.

imagine my surprise.

close to 40 e-greeting were sent out and only 2 responded!

ok, i thought maybe people were just too busy to check emails

and even busier to reply whatsoever.

then i text messaged almost everyone...Read more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

fresh ink

for the longest time i've wanted to get a tattoo on my forearm.

something personal.



a friend suggested getting a band.

i just thought it would look like a black rubber band on my arm.

so i said No.

then i thought how about something different.

scrīpture from the bible...

but what?

anyway i was going to Israel so maybe i'd find something there.

as i was falling in love with Israel,

i was also falling in love with God's people...Read more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Dream Big

almost a month into the new year and already there are

like a 1o2 reality competition shows on TV.

from the new season of ''American Idol"' to the brand new

Paula Abdul's "Live to Dance" & Australia's "Junior Master Chef",

it's all about someone's Big Dreams.

with the coming 2nd season of ''GLEE'',

i'm sure we'll see The New Directions wanting to proof they've got

what it takes to Make it Big.

even O...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

the truth?

i know some people who feel this way.

then there are many who feel this way too.

whether its your friend, family, lover or colleague.

we all have felt this way.

"i am tired.

tired from trying."

"i don't need this...




"be responsible.

if not for others least for yourself.''

''get out!



''stop trying if you're not interes...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

what's next?

the most exciting thing happened today!

i didn't trust the guy at first...

couldn't really understand what he was saying...

''possible damage... not sure if permanent..''

seriously, who's this dude!?!?!!

so i decided not to have my wisdom tooth touched.

then after 1 phone call it all changed!

i went back in,

asked all the right questions,

knew what everyone was doing and then made an informed decision.

i had my 2 upper wisdom teeth ext...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

go Israel.

i started 2011 with a holiday,

from 18 Dec 2010 to 2nd Jan 2011.

i know. i'm a typical singaporean.

must do everything 1st. even the new year.

17 days.

16 nights.

3 countries.

6 cities.

7 hotels.

the list goes on. trust me.

but the treasure of all this would be the 9 days i spent in Israel.

the sites, people, cities, food, culture and... His love.

its amazing cos you really see His words come alive in this land.

even now, writing this... its...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

the 2010 discovery list

another year has almost slipped by...

and it's like just yesterday that all the bitching was going on.

so, what did we discover this year?

*Food programmes are the No.1 show on TV

*No one shops @ Orchard Central

*There are no local actors on Channel 5

*Fashion Shows are strictly by Invitation only

*Husbands cheat

*STELLAR @ 1 Altitude is theplace to dine on top of Singapore

*U can look HOT at 40

*Bromance is the new Gay

*All movies are now in ...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

hate what you do?

its actually the time of the year where people areconsidering a change of companyin regards to the work or work place.i've been hearing non stop complains about how unhappymany of my friends & acquaintances are.bad hours. ungrateful employers. awful colleges.the list goes on and on and on and on. you get the picture.but rarely do i hear any one of them complaining abouthow much they hate what they do!so the question is: do you hate work or do you hate what you do?hint: being good will take you far. being passionate will take you fur...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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