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marcus a.c.
Producer , MC / Show Host , Stylist
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The Discovery List 2012

how time flies.and its already the eve of a new year.but before we move forward let's see what we have discovered... Singapore is now home to Everyone. Anyone can be an InstaCeleb. Employers want the Chinese to Work & Not Speak. Contracts are meant to be Broken. Youths aren't serious about being Serious. Economy is always going Down. Summer scarfs are Cool. Lesbians like dressing like Gay Boys. Bosses do run away with your Money. McDonalds pays S$5 an Hour. The Media's a...Read more

about 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

thank u.

i know i know i know...it's not the Oscars but i really wanna thank u for 2012.truth is i really could not have pulled thru' without u.and NO!this is not a SPAM.but i'm gonna try and not generalize it.i wanna thank...my church. my pastor. my VA ministry.thank u for teaching me that Jesus is really all about my 'business'.that He is for me and not against me.that He is my rest.benny omar.my #1 'Fan'. Supporter. and Friend.thank u for being u.honest. sincere.winwin.thank u for not being my friend, my soul-mate or my wanna- ...Read more

about 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


with only hours left to another year,i can't help but look back at 2012 and count my blessings.yes. blessings.12 months of unearned, undeserved, blessings.2012 started and ends on a high note professionally.the year where everyone was talking about economical crisis,i have been blessed.SuperModel Me. Vasantham Express. Style Etc.being involved in 3 TV Shows within the 1st six months of the year.blessing.Creative Director of Crazy Brave Media.a new title and position in a new venture and partner.blessing.  from fashion styling to makeup artiste...Read more

about 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


sometimes Change is good

sometimes Nothing is good

sometimes Pain is good

sometimes Crying is good

sometimes People is good

sometimes Alone is good

sometimes You is good

sometimes I is good

sometime Sometimes is rubbish.

about 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


i have been busy working.

yes... i know.

for someone who believes that when it comes to work & working

it should be like the full moon, happening once a month,

i have been busy with WORK. 

of course not working like everyday but still.

in October alone i was working for 5 days.

5 whole days!

then i took a week's off to Bali.

but still! 5 days!

1 day of TV shoot. 2 days of events and 2 days of TVC.

and don't forget the preparation period.

so techni...Read more

about 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blog: Tuesday, Oct 9

tom, dick and amy

i'm not here supporting tom, dick and amy.

but let's be honest.

when has anyone not felt or said something against your fellow singaporeans?

that includes colleagues, politicians, neighbors, beauty queens, taxi drivers.

the list goes on and on and on and on... u get the picture?

so why is it when a remark made towards someone who's not of your ethnic background

or a minority considered racists?

i'm just curious.

cos the last time i...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

the Body.

working out at the gym has been part of my weekly routinefor the last 4 years.i even worked out with a Personal Trainer,only because i really wanted to improve and build up the 'Body'.and during all that time never did my body ache, breakdownor even pull a muscle.and yes... the 'Body' improved.but now its a different story.as i turn older there are days when the 'Body' is in pain for days.back muscle ache. shoulder muscle ache.neck pain. and the pain goes on for days. sometime for weeks.No. it isn't due to over exercisin...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blog: Wednesday, Sep 19

a couple...a couple...

there are a couple of things i need in my life right now.


a starbucks hot chocolate. grande.a surprise holiday. even if its JB.


i did say a couple...

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blog: Wednesday, Sep 19

a couple...a couple...

there are a couple of things i need in my life right now.


a starbucks hot chocolate. grande.a surprise holiday. even if its JB.


i did say a couple...

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blog: Friday, Aug 31

A Self Opinionated View

hello. my name is marcus ac and welcome to my blog.

and this is my blog entry.

or should i say,

''my personal opinionated point of view'' web diary?

so why is that when most bloggers post an entry,

and i mean most, not all, expect some kind of reaction?

isn't the reason for a blog just to pen your thoughts and views,

share the ''how was my day'' and maybe, just maybe,

improve on the english language? 

...Read more
over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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