marcus a.c.
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my blog is your blog

this is for all my friends who took time to reply to

my SMSes... what SMS?

ahh... its nothing really.

just letting them know that i have THIS blog,

you know, so they can pop by, visit, read, drop a comment, etc.

here are some of the replies,

..."WOW! u have a blog!"

..."really?.. u?"

..."i am so gonna check it out!"


..."Mmm.. ok."

..."sure bro. and mine is eric-see.blogspot.com ...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


this is definitely my NEW favourite shop!

who knew that perfumes could actually be affordable!

ok, let me share my new find with you...

its this regular looking perfume shop that

has all, and i mean ALL the leading brands and

some not so leading names...

you walk in and are greeted by these young muslim girls

and the lady boss who keeps saying, "got discount on top of price,"

so i started walking around staring at the display shelves.

curious, i randomly asked for th...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

hey elisha

where do i start...

its been a week since my last post and alot has happened.

...did an amazing shoot with photographer Olivier Henry

on sunday with an interestingcrowd.

...met up with Esan from HOODS INC to discuss about

possiblefuture projects.

but what really took me by surprise was the call i got from my

agent, Chris.

earlier this year i had the honor of producing and choreographing

the official opening of NIKE's flagship store/boutique at

Wisma Atrium. and w...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

so... it begins.

when i told my friends that i wanted to start myvery own blog, the response was... SUPPORTIVE.they asked what will i be talking about?what can readers and followers expect?i said, "EVERYTHING!"being a makeup artist, i will talk about makeup, share makeup tips & introduce new looks.and update you on what's happening withme as the Brand Ambassador of MAJOLICA MAJORCA (MJ).as a fashion stylist, i will keep you IN THE KNOW of what's NOW and what's NOT!and when i am producing Fashion Shows or Events,you will hear all abo...Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

the beginning part 1.. or so.. kinda..

ok... so i started my blog and i'm kinda thinkin what's next... Mmmmm... wait... still thinking...well lets start with MY FIRST 2 PEOPLE/VIEWERS/COMMENTS/FOLLOWERS/FRIENDSwho read my blog!!!thank u!thank u!now will the 2 of u pls tell EVERYONE ELSE to visit this blog!all the other 7334975 people i infoed/emailed happenedto have simply gone back to living under a rock.NOW... i promise that i will be talkin about style, fashion and all things dear to me, so... (to be continued...) Read more

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

the beginning part 1

hello!!! i've finally arrived!!yes. yes. yes. i know it took forever but i am now HERE!if u are wondering what u can expect from my blog...well... EVERYTHING!!everything that's close and dear to me,from STYLE, FASHION, MAKEUP TIPS..to INSIDER'S INFO and MORE!!so get ready... its gonna be a FUN ride![](/attachments/2009/07/21/16/478627_2009072116000135.gif)

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares



July 20, 2009