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Blog: Monday, Nov 7

i reject...

i reject bad news and wet socks. i reject sickness.i reject laziness and cold meals.i reject poverty.i reject disappointments and lousy presents.

12 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Blog: Monday, Oct 17

Miss Milan

from Paris to Milan... it was the worst place to be after Paris,after anywhere if you ask me.no one. and i mean NO ONE tells you that Milan is reallythe JB of Paris.the streets are grey.the buildings are grey.the people. GREY.and the style. really really GREY.How did Milan become the Fashion capital of the World?Answer : its really close to Paris.you don't  have to take my word for it,but u aren't Missing Much if u Missed Milan.Next stop!

接近 13 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Blog: Monday, Oct 10

Welcome to PARIS!

so i'm back after 30 days. and like i said before, 30 days, 3 countries, 1 currency,it's all begins with Paris.arriving in Paris was surreal.even at the airport it was hard to believe that aftera 13 hour flight that i was finally there.just waiting to take the train to town from the airportfelt more like i was in London then Paris.its was cold, windy and cloudy.seemed like Paris was almost done with summer.40 minu...Read more

接近 13 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Blog: Monday, Oct 10

back from Europe after 30days!!!! and i still think its too short!!!

接近 13 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Blog: Saturday, Sep 3


its funny when all i wanna do is WORK but all i get is REST.the entire August so far has been work free...so what do i do?i watch TV.seriously.ask anybody i know and they will SWEAR on their lives thatthere's NO WAY getting me to focus on ANYTHING when the TV is on.i won't bother with in coming calls on my phone.i can skip meals and keep the microwave running.i will lie to friends just to spend alone time with the TV.i have sai...Read more

接近 13 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Blog: Friday, Aug 26

''U look like an Idiot talking to me in English'' smile.

lately there's been much news about what's News, and i for one am very appalled.with the coming Presidential Election coming upall 4 Elect get time with and in the Press.but it rather seems like the wind is blowing in a certain direction...if the Press favored is not careful, well, hair will be blown...if u know what i mean.last week was also the Nation's 46th Birthday.there was so much so about the country's roots and historyon almost all ...Read more

接近 13 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Blog: Wednesday, Aug 17

happening august

only mid august and so much happening already?!?!! i know i kinda dropped off the radar the past few weeksbut its was only to take a breather.you see, a lot was happening with me, for me and around me.1st, my EURO 2011 didn't almost happen.ok. fine. its still happening. BUT it almost didn't.all the fun i thought i'd have planning the logistics and etcwasn't fun at all!i was losing whatever hair i had left on that patch on my head.then, my mom's health got attacked.shall not go into detail...Read more

接近 13 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Blog: Wednesday, Jul 27

so much more.

there's more to life then... being 1st.horrible bosses.instant diets.bad breakups.inflation.friday nites.being late.an empty wallet.eating vegetables.losing.botox and fillers.14 days leave.higher education.fake friends.shoes.i'm sure there's more. definitely so much more

大约 13 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Blog: Friday, Jul 22


don't u HATE it when it seems like PEOPLE are in charge of your life?! i hate it when PEOPLE take their time to reply or response.i hate it when PEOPLE feel you are responsible for them.i hate it when PEOPLE think they know better.i hate it when PEOPLE are late to meet.i hate it when PEOPLE live like you owe them the world.i hate it when PEOPLE decide what's best for mei hate it when PEOPLE decide what's bad for me.maybe i'm really not that much of a PEOPLE person...

大约 13 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares



July 20, 2009