Dough Boy
音乐监製, 说唱歌手
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人氣急升 music video!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t86v6DlOxk0

feels good that this song is out! this is the 1st song we did together. the coolest thing was seeing it on tv.request for this song on the radios! look out for the upcoming singles! and most importantly, the album release on August 8th!peace!

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捌伍起義 85crew presents : The Essence

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-V7bLb4Jys

another new joint from us!just bringin it back to the essence of hip hop.gotta thank JL from taiwan for producing this beat for us. do check out his work with taiwanese rappers like Manchuker and JNCO.our album is in the works. a lot of new sounds.

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LoudSpeaker event!

go get your tickets now! thank you!we'll put up a good show for yall.

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life & times

where should i start.  another one of those emo late night blogs that im doing and hoping no one reads. i've had quite a few awkward experiences when people tell me stuff like "yo so i read your blog about how u and your girl blaa blaaa.."so yeah. im focused. on making music. as usual, for the past 2-3 years, i need to keep myself contented with making beats and all. been sitting here the whole day but i cant do my homework. i owe the school a lot a lot of homework. a lot of essays to write. i just cant seem to concentrate. i d...Read more

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捌伍起義 85crew presents : 瀟灑歌

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlCnJzUVy1Y&feature

yeahh... im all about good music. thats all.

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85 crew presents: henry - 回望

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CNBrTIwRrU&feature=share

yeah. aside from material for the album, we'll be putting out b side tracks too. this one is henry's solo joint. enjoy!

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a little recap on what's currently going on music-wise. been mixing Jin's album. i'm one session away from finishing the final mixes. learned a lot during the process. mixing was always something i sucked at. hope yall would like it when the album releases!because of mixing and all, i was kinda stuck when it came to making new beats. fortunately, i don't like waiting for inspiration. i look for it. finally im back in beatmaking mode and the new stuff are better than ever. we setting a standard for ourselves in the new 85Crew album!! ...Read more

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back at one

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXPfovXw2tw

brings back memories..what a touching song.i wish i can go back to square one and start all over again.i just miss everything. things that were once fresh to me not long ago, now seems like a memory from way back.

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85CrewTV Episode 2

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMOe86atWo8

right. the response was mediocre for the 1st episode. but that doesnt mean we aint gonna continue doing this.here's episode 2, actually shot a day before we shot the 1st episode. this one's just me and henry fuckin around some instruments and trying to make a beat.check it!peace!

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on the conscious tip...

for the past year, people have been talkin about all these conspiracy theory stuff, all the illuminati, the aliens, the mayan calendar, the new world order and all.right. i believe some of it. and it doesnt concern u. its been getting outta hand since a long time ago already when its becoming a "cool" and "trendy" topic to talk about. cos a lot of u fools asking me for my opinions about whether my favourite rapper is in the illuminati, are fuckin stupid. in this generation where knowledge could be obtained effortle...Read more

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Chronicles of the little skinny dude


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
December 10, 2008