Official Artist
Dough Boy
Music Producer , Rapper
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a little recap on what's currently going on music-wise. been mixing Jin's album. i'm one session away from finishing the final mixes. learned a lot during the process. mixing was always something i sucked at. hope yall would like it when the album releases!because of mixing and all, i was kinda stuck when it came to making new beats. fortunately, i don't like waiting for inspiration. i look for it. finally im back in beatmaking mode and the new stuff are better than ever. we setting a standard for ourselves in the new 85Crew album!! im excited for all the new music im gonna be making. recording some 85 material tomorrow after my major test in school. can't wait!and to those narrow minded shallow motherfuckers that think yall dope and wanna be hating and shit, fuck u.

over 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Chronicles of the little skinny dude

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December 10, 2008