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The San Francisco Olympic Torch Relay

The Olympic Torch is coming to San Francisco today.  It marks a very proud moment for the Chinese Community in San Francisco.......China hosting the Olympic Games will open China for all to see it's accomplishments and it's goal of bringing the country into the 21st Century.  Of course, with this opening of China it opens itself to criticism.  It is too bad that many people put their politics before the Olympic spirit........the spirit of competition unites us all  to strive for peace....the people of China want to end oppression too.  But the stance of the government and the people must be separated.....all too often what the people want does not coincide with the government.  I am not so naive to think China is perfect, and has no problems.....but so does every country...only thru friendship and communication can things change.  For China to want to host the Games is a great honor, but also an opportunity to get to understand each other.  China has made great strides since the Cultural Revolution........it has shown it can change, so give them a chance to do it!  The Olympics however, is to build friendship and understanding between people's of different countries, not a place to peddle your politics!  I found it quite offensive when one of the Free Tibet protesters told me if I liked China so much I should go back..........that certainly is not going to win any friends for your cause....I may be Chinese but I was born here and have a right to do and go where I wish.  As always, politics brings out all the loonies, who have no idea how to unite with people only how to separate them. As such your cause will never succeed!

Sorry, had to get that off my chest!  Any way it was a beautiful day, with lots of people, flags waving everywhere.  Our San Francisco Wushu Taiji Team arrived by foot after we parked in Chinatown.  Justin Hermann Plaza was slowly filling with people.  When Master Li Xu Dong arrived we began gathering into different Taiji groups........there was the big group of over 150 performers for Yang 24 Form, a 30 or so group performing Chen Taiji, and a group performing the Kung-fu Fan.  We practiced together while we were waiting for the Torch Relay to start.  The City of San Francisco must be congratulated for keeping the Torch Runners well protected from  any harm and the demonstrations were peaceful.  We could see the runners on the big Jumbotron TV...........Also, while we were waiting for the Torch to arrive there were many performances by  Chinese cultural groups in the Bay Area, and also wushu performances by Pacific Wushu and by Wushu West....great job guys!!  Shahob, Kenny, Melvin, Collin.....you guys were awesome! After Master Li and myself finished performing, we got everyone together and began leaving....the torch had not arrived yet.....but the exact location and time of the Olympic Flame was a well kept secret to keep the protesters away.  I am quite happy though that there were no incidents and the runners got a chance to relay the Torch.  Jiayo Olympics 2008!!

Our San Francisco Wushu Taiji Team at Justin Hermann Plaza waiting to perform for the Torch Relay.

The Shaolin Monks were also out to help celebrate the arrival of the Torch.

The Hong Kong Torch Delegation and the World Choy Lay Fut Association were present for the  Torch Ceremony.

On the big Jumbotron TV, we could watch the Torch Relay start, but no one was to know the route, as the police changed the route spontaneously......it never arrived at Justin Hermann Plaza as advertised.

Ok, hope you got an idea of the day, my feet are tired and I am going to rest a bit before Taiji Class tonite. Peace everyone!

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


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December 27, 2007