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Countdown to CMAT

One day and counting to the 16th Annual Chinese Martial Arts Tournament at the University   of California at Berkeley.  Hope you all will be there!!  There are at least 450 competitors, 90 judges and over 500 volunteers for this event, that will bring together some of the very best Wushu Competitors in the United States.  and if you want to rub elbows and get autographs, many of China's best retired wushu athletes will be on hand to judge.  For those of you who are Jet Li Fans......too bad, he won't be there, but many of the ex-Beijing Wushu Team Members will!!

This event will also showcase three of the San Francisco Wushu Team's new Lions.  Ryan and Elissa have been working hard as they will be under their respective lions.  The ceremony for lighting the Lion's Eyes will be presided over by:  Madame Chen Dao Yan, China's greatest modern swordswoman, and Coach of Hongdao Wushu Academy, Master Tat Mau Wong, Southeast Asian Kung-fu Champion and star of Kung-fu Theater, and finally Master Jiu Ji Ling of Kung Fu Hustle and inheritor of Wong Fei Hung Hung Jia Kung-fu...........thanks to them for participating and honoring us with their presence!!

Elisssa and Pam spot as Ryan A. does a head stack on Ryan Y.

Then Ryan straightens up and does the shoulder stack!!  Good job guys!! Looks like you're ready for CMAT!!

OK,AnDers if you are in the area please drop by and say hi!!Cya!

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


Coming: Sept 14 Mid-Autumn Festival Sept 15 Dragon Boat Festival Oct 12 4th Annual Golden State Chinese Martial Arts Champions

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english, cantonese, mandarin, german, spanish
Location (City, Country)
San francisco, United States
Member Since
December 27, 2007