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American Media get it Right!

Sometimes I wonder what American reporters and journalist are doing .......do they even see and report what is actually going on......or do this go thru the motions?  I say this only because I have been reading the Bay area Media on the Torch Relay in SF.    They have no idea what is going on!!  CW Nevius.....claimed that China brought in Bus Loads of sympathizers during the Torch Ceremony...implying no one supports China in the SF Community.......I got news for you there were at least  600 performers for the Tai Chi Performance ....they came in on those buses.......during the ceremony..from all over the Bay Area including: Napa, Cupertino, Pleasanton, San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose..these people all volunteered to perform.  Not to mention the many Kung-fu and Wushu Schools that also performed that day.  Then there were all these ridiculous charges leveled at the Mayor and Chief of Police for being cowardly by diverting the Torch.......what did you want to see a fight break out??  The Free Tibet  groups(who came in on the buses from other states!!) who had been demonstrating several blocks away from the sight of the torch run decided at around 1pm to walk thru the performances that the Chinese Community were having in celebration........which was a very provacative action......they walked right in to the lion and dragon dancers  performances.........there were 1000 or so people from the Chinese Community and  people who just wanted to see the event, and 200 or so from Team Tibet.......if the torch had went thru this crowd it would have been pure chaos with a good chance someone was going to get hurt...........I will say though I did admire the Burmese Monks who came to protest and but went to the side to hold their signs...they were not disruptive........it was the Team Tibet  who smashed the Bus which was used as a decoy...clearly showing their intentions to the police to disrupt the event........but you read the news and think the writer and in some instances the readers were on another planet.  One should note the Dalai Lama was disappointed that the people of San Francisco were not able to see the Torch Ceremony........this clearly tells you there is a big difference between what the political leaders of the Free Tibet Movement want and the religious leadership want......listen to the sound of truth.

Even more annoying are the recent reviews by local media of Forbidden Kingdom.........what movie were these guys watching........if it was so bad a movie.....why did it make a cool 30 million in it's first week.......it's entertaining guys...who needs these reviewers!!  I guess these things are especially annoying when you have an opportunity to see them from the inside rather than just as a  casual outside observer.......but it should still be true if you want to find out what's going on see the people who were there............at least don't let your own biases get in the way!!  That's why in ancient times the Taoist often moved away from society into the mountains to meditate...........to hear but not hear, to see but not see.....practice Mushin, to relax, and be calm to avoid the complexities of civilization.  Enough of that....back to my world!    Well, next time I will report on the Hun Yan Chen Tai Chi Seminars that have been going on for the last two weeks......a special event bringing Madame Feng and Master Chen Xiang to the San Jose Area.  Until then, be cool, and be at peace!! Cya.

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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