Official Artist
Mista Bite
Art Director , Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Illustrator
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BE the change you want

so here it is, my new baby. Its a platform to promote and show case creators and their content in the visual arts mediums. You have to join the site to have the opportunity

to be promoted. But essentially I designed this site to eventually be a yellow pages to creators and content and a hub for people who are wanting to find the latest and greatest. Its still raw. it was designed to be finished with the participation and feedback from its members to be customized to our communities needs(and when I say community I mean our  gl...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

CHANGE and not paying attention to the way it is

I have a lot of conversations online with other artists and creators. We tend to dive into politics and religion/philosophy. none of us are qualified to teach a class, but we like to think we are.lol

heres one of my posts. it may seem you are missing points of the conversation since this extracted from a series of points made by a handful of people. but I thought I'd share my last reply. even though it may seem random, I feel like I communicated points I haven't been able to make in the past so...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

being more AWARE

randomly submitted (no point, just sharing thoughts)

I have had the blessing of crossing paths with people in my life in a way that may seem random but come at a time that seems very deliberate. Random things are said, actions are made, a simple exchange that can make me more aware of myself. I tend to reflect on each day to see what I could of learned about relationships with people and myself. But sometimes there needs to be the exchange to be the catalyst for change of thought patterns.

a friend said to me recently, after ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

velocity STOPS

So I don't know what to say. I probably shouldn't be printing this. But this isn't a new character or anything like that so its not like I'm letting the cat out the bag or anything. Its just a new teams take on the IP, so hopefully no one gets mad and sues me. But I had to share, cuz I fear it will

never be seen. and that sucks.

I've been talking with artist Chris Cross,http://www.chriscross-eternalkick.blogspot.com/,  about...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

MORE practice

After I did my first tattoo I was all amped to do more. Luckily I had set up a drawing session with Alex. I met Alex through Cree, one of our other apprentices. They are dating and she was kind enough to let me draw on her for practice. Drawing on people is the weirdest thing. much different than paper and you really have to commit. makes me feel like 5 years old again...which isn't such a bad thing.

So Alex doesn't have any tattoos and has no desire to get any...but after I drew this she said she didn't want to wash it off....Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

no longer a VIRGIN

YEAHH!!! I got to do my first official tattoo!!! its small, but its how you use it. lol

I did a Mayan 13 on one of the apprentices and a good friend , Haji. He's been dieing for me to poke him so I did and I believe he went home satisfied. I though I was just gonna outline it but he wanted me to fill it as well, which I never practiced how to fill...but he showed me some techniques and let me make mistakes on him...like I said, a good friend.

I was ready to do more. I didn't want to stop.

let the next chap...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


So more drawing on people and practicing on Grapefruit. I'm itching to get on skin already. I'm not too stoked on these but wanted to share my progress. Cuz even with the bad theres progress. Just got to work through it to get to the good.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

ups and DOWNS

So I'm almost a month into my trip and I have two more weeks to go before I get home. Today I woke up wanting to kill for some reason. I've had many ups and downs since I've been out here but over all this trip is very good for me. I've been doing my best not to give away my power. losing my cool or letting people manipulate me into doing stuff for them out of some weird sense of obligation or guilt. When your career is your love sometimes you feel you have to do shit you really don't have to do. I just don't have time o...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

TATTOO apprenticeship continues

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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Member Since
September 11, 2008