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zhou le
Actor , Director , Editor (Film) , Special Effects (SFX) Artist
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i bought the canon 550D!

Last week end, i bought the canon 550D... not really for take picture but for video shooting since the 550D is able to shoot on full HD (we can choose between PAL or NTSC), i think it was a good investment , after i should think about buy more batteries and some SD CARD. And of course some good lenses!!!

i will do some test this week end, and i will share with you guys here :)

(sorry i took these pictures with my BB storm 2.... the quality is so bad without the flash....)

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over 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

my dvd's collection is coming home!!!

When i heard that a friend will come live and work in shanghai, i called him for tell him go to my parents home and take some dvds, that i take care a lot!

so i gave a list of only 5 movies....

he came to my home today, and give me a small bag with... 4 dvds... and not all is the dvds i ask for...

he said... my father gave him a big box with all dvds!!!

of course , it was to heavy for take it with him ( and the overload was 25 euros/Kg)

So he sent the box by the post before he ...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

A man stabbed a Mcdonald's employee

This morning i was in xu jia hui for a meeting and i saw many people stand front the mcdonals i was wondering why...Then i saw the picture of one of employee, and a woman explained he was killed by a man. yesterday

so i make some research;

A 24-year-old McDonalds employee was killed in Xujiahui this morning after trying to wake up a customer sleeping in the fast food joint. The employee was stabbed at around 4:40am and was pronounced dead later in a local hospital. Police are still investigating the cas...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

no comment :P


over 14 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

shanghai during chinese new year = ghost city


so impressif how this year shanghai is so empty.

usualy the morning when i go work "people square station" is so crowed of people, sometime need even to fight when they try push you for take the subway or even for the elevator...

but this week... its like no life in the city just few peoples///

(very good for make a short movie during this holiday... i'm thinking about for next year :P)

shanghai stadium indoor station:

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over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

apple : bigger , bigger and bigger

over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

"Ye Shanghai" Young Cee Ft Young Kin

Shangtang MV was stand by for while 'cause miss one rapper,

so  Stanley and me, we shooted a new MV talking about shanghai with Young cee (shanghai) and young Kin come straight from Beijing for the MV.

It was hard because the weather... like 0 degree we froze almost!! hahaha

Respect to young cee and yougn kin they change their clothes outside in the street ^^

more info soon when the MV will be online ^^

here some preview pictures ^^

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over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

i'm still alive (yes im not dead...:))

yop everybody,

so longtime i didn't write on my blog... for many reasons:

i switch for a new job 3 months ago,

i'm writing my own short video projects that i will try to shoot on may ( just few days after the expo 2010 opening). i will talk about this when i'm done with some details :)

and with stanley we got some nice projects, like next week end we i fly to Beijing for shoot an another hip hop MV! (i will die... its so cold there...).

before i forget... even it&...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Last joke from my boss...

30 minutes ago, my boss made a (fake) joke:

He came and said:

Said, we have a client he want a video, can you do it?

ME: Yes, what kind of video? and for what?

Boss:... just a video...

ME:?..... ok but what?

Boss: just do a video....

Me:...ok... i see...

What can i say.... 10 question i asked to him... 10 answers was... video or i dont know...

i like him.....

(hope i will find a new job quickly!!!)

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

HK, i'm coming!

My bro DJ B-Kut and me will be in HK from saturday morning until tuesday night!

Hope see you guys!!!

see ya!

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


Belgian independant filmmaker in China! Making some cool short films online! 比利時導演住中國拍攝酷的微電影。

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Languages Spoken
english, mandarin, french
Location (City, Country)
Beijing, China
Member Since
December 13, 2007