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King Lychee
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One of my favorite local skaters Ho Chai pops a nollie backside heelflip! 16 or 17 years old dude and throws shit down hard like this even after he's been hurt (broken arm and with a worked ankle). Homie didn't do well in the contest - normally is one of the most consistent skaters. But at least he threw this down in the best trick portion. Good skater, dedicated individual, simple dude, humble person...qualities of not just a good skater but a good human being. Good luck in life bro!

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about 8 years ago 21 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Super happy to be here for my brother @steffunn at the launch of his first signature series drum sticks released by @craftsmanhk @craftsmantw Was able to hear the whole story of how this collaboration came together which was super cool from the initial idea to the design to the final execution. All that time and energy because the brand wanted to fully support making this local drumming legend's dream come true with the exact specs of the drumsticks he would be proud to actually use. Super rad of Craftsman to do that - an Asian brand supporting Asian musi...Read more

about 8 years ago 9 likes  0 comment  1 share

Need to share...Hong Kong metal bands - keep that fire burning 加油!

about 8 years ago 117 likes  0 comment  16 shares

I did not take any photos last night or videos...just enjoyed the historic moment where a band that I started listening to in the late 80's finally came to the city where it all began for me as a young little fucked up kid trying to make sense of his world...I didn't take any photos because I'm not a photographer. I didn't take any videos because Metallica always releases full set videos that are professionally shot and edited. I also didn't take any photos or videos because I don't want to be the asshole holding up his camera blocking the peop...Read more

about 8 years ago 190 likes  0 comment  1 share

we apologize to all our friends all over the world...especially you guys in the US who are about to hand over the reigns to a racist, misogynist piece of garbage...but if you have friends who live here in Hong Kong your Facebook will probably be completely taken over by messages, posts, videos, songs, stories, memories of Metallica...this will continue into tomorrow for sure!

the band is making their first EVER appearance in Hong Kong tonight...and for those of us who have been fans of the band for years (decades for some of us!!!) it is a dream come true to ...Read more

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about 8 years ago 87 likes  0 comment  1 share

Tomorrow... @metallica in Hong Kong for the first time ever...can't fucking waiting...the old stuff is going to go OFF for sure for many many of us...the new stuff actually sounds pretty good in a live setting -from all the live videos I've seen so far - fits seamlessly into a set. Just please don't start the set with a new song...anyway - can't WAIT!!!!

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about 8 years ago 43 likes  0 comment  0 shares

King Ly Chee way back in 1999 started with this incredible person and musician and myself. We connected on so many things but most importantly our love for punk/hardcore, emo/indie rock and metal...all of that mixed together is how the early KLC sound was created and collected as tracks on our first album We Are Who We Are released in 2000. This dude was a beast on the drums back then and is still a very gifted drummer today...it was an honor to start KLC with him back in 1999 and to have him help establish the high standard for music, musicianship, showmanship that w...Read more

about 8 years ago 20 likes  0 comment  1 share

今晚香港hardcore band Fight Club將會完全embrace佢地metal個身分!:-) 杜見到套鼓第一反應 "見到兩個bass drum好怕!" Hahahaha...Tonight HK hardcore band Fight Club is fully embracing their metal side opening for Hiss From The Moat!

about 8 years ago 18 likes  0 comment  1 share

中曬. Exactly. 當然新technology係方便D。。。但係無咗一種傳統就無咗個心。黑膠唱片其實唔係一個潮流 - 鍾意聽和收集係有幾諗嘅原因。依家黑膠唱片好似興返嘅好處就係香港暫時係易D買黑膠。。。最怕就係過幾年後又唔興就會變返以前一樣。無計。。。香港咁trendy嘅地方。。。Dtrend成日都好快來好快走。。。所以更加要enjoy下呢階段。。。

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about 8 years ago 17 likes  0 comment  1 share

check out hong kong metalcore act Last Digits! if you like your killswitch engage you're going to love this :-)

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about 8 years ago 16 likes  0 comment  0 shares


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007