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King Lychee
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呢隊經典嘢Minor Threat (就係我地上面coverphoto最左上角出現嘅傳奇人Ian Mackaye嘅樂隊)。。。一起身見到呢個片即刻醒 :-) 各位早晨!

Nice to wake up to this video and remember what made this thing hardcore such a powerful force...

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about 8 years ago 34 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Goddamn...if I'm wearing Vans again there best be a good reason :-) I guess supporting @sickofitallnyc would be a good reason. Shoes look dope...more than worth staying up til 1am (Hong Kong time) last week to order these only to have the website crash for 20 minutes, heart palpitating that I wasn't going to get the shoes, and then when I was able to make the order - holy shit. Good feeling...

about 8 years ago 76 likes  0 comment  2 shares

講到心聲。this is EXACTLY the issue with the museum. Anson Chan says it perfectly:

"She (Carrie Lam) couldn’t possibly have believed that Hongkongers would accept the ‘mainland way’ of doing things – the government tells you what they have decided on and goes ahead regardless of public opinion"

“Hongkongers are different. They have agreed on a set procedure and mechanism. Why did you have to bypass the mechanism?”

"Chan added that people in Hong Kong are not against the construction of the museum, but rather against the secrecy surrou...Read more

about 8 years ago 16 likes  0 comment  0 shares

好正啊!香港新 rockabilly band Club Figaro 岩岩出咗新MV!盡快都會有大碟聽!This is dope! Check out new HK rockabilly band Club Figaro! This is their first music video from their upcoming debut full length! DOPE!!!


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about 8 years ago 7 likes  0 comment  1 share

The daughter wanted to get a skateboard...walked into @8five2shop and they had this complete ready to go. The significance? That was my very first actual skateboard I got when I was a kid in the late 80's (prior to this I had some Toys R Us skateboard hahaha)...the Powell Peralta ripper. Of course mine wasn't a cruiser board...we then hung out in Victoria Park while she tried to figure out how to skate (she KILLS it on a scooter). Good times...

about 8 years ago 161 likes  0 comment  2 shares

好兄弟 SEESAW 內地巡演的紀錄片現已可以享受!Enjoy our pals in Seesaw's China tour documentary (this is part 1 where they put together footage from when they hit a couple spots up in the north of the country).

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about 8 years ago 13 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Just some of the essentials from the 80's...for many of us hardcore and punk may not have been our own "roots" - I certainly grew up on metal and came into hardcore and punk later. But regardless when you get into something, if you truly love it deeper than a passing trend, you spend the time you need to learn THE roots. Learn the history...listen to those records...read the lyrics...read those interviews...get a feel for how this music started...ask yourself why is it that today's version speaks to you so much? Then start turning back the pages to f...Read more

about 8 years ago 79 likes  0 comment  0 shares

new hong kong band... Wellsaid ...好撚好聽


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about 8 years ago 12 likes  0 comment  0 shares

King Ly Chee stickers available at our next show - January 14 at Y-Concept. (We have no shows booked after this one.) Venue info down below. 我地係場show可以免費拿呢D貼紙。下場 show係一月十四號在新開嘅場地叫Y Concept. (呢場之後暫時唔知幾時會再有show). The show also has good friends in SEESAW & Protoss神族 as well as a few other musicians and artists. 當日仲有好朋友Seesaw和Protoss - 全日都會有其他音樂人和藝術的元素係到。

Y-Concept Stage Address: 8/Fl. Christian Family Service Centre Headquarters Jockey Club 3 Tsui Ping Road Kwun Tong 觀塘翠屏道3號8樓

Time: 7:30pm


about 8 years ago 38 likes  0 comment  1 share

不少內地的支持者剛發現咗我地內地裡的視頻「已被屏蔽」。依家個心有D難過。但係大家都知hardcore係一種精神。就算一日無咗我地咁點啊?無可能打倒hardcore。現已更加要睇港外/國外可以點樣發展呢隊band。。。我地有無一個地方有希望的。Anyway...多謝大家的關心。多謝所有支持我地嘅朋友和支持者。十七年個火無熄過,呢隊都會好白痴咁會繼續活落去。希望我地仲可以係國內D細酒吧演出。So today word has gotten to us that China's version of YouTube (Youku) where are all our live videos and music videos are enjoyed by our supporters and friends in China (since YouTube is blocked up there), have all started to be deleted from their servers. Last week a blacklist of bands and artists was released with our name on it and then this week videos are being delete...Read more

about 8 years ago 28 likes  0 comment  3 shares


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007