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King Lychee
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Hardcore - worldwide family...全地球的大家庭 - 一到哪裡都能找到本地的朋友們來談的很開心!這位弟弟就是台中hardcore團 Defeat the Giant 的主唱 @winstonliao 每次來台中真的過得很開心!現在更期待明天演出!no matter where in the world you go you'll be able to find local hardcore kids to take care of you! This is our brother the vocalist of Taiwan hardcore band Defeat the Giant! Stoked to play tomorrow!

about 8 years ago 41 likes  0 comment  1 share


今次我地個經理人係好特意 - 點知四歲D小朋友都可以做到經理人!:-)

On our way to Taiwan's huge festival called Heartown Festival! On the plane we've already bumped into a couple people from HK who are also flying over to support the HK band's takin part! Super cool!

See you all tomorrow Taizhong!!!

This time we have a pretty cool manager - who knew 4 year olds are so capable!

about 8 years ago 65 likes  0 comment  2 shares

This is it! Our last show of 2016! What a fucking GREAT year! And we end it getting to celebrate our underground home's brand new opening HIDDEN AGENDA! 好啦!今日可以宣佈我地荔枝王今年最後一場show!我地呢一年已經過得好開心因為第一次達到夢想 - 可以美國巡演!依家可以同屬於我地地下世界的場地一起慶祝佢地新開始都勁興奮!

The show is FREE entry! 記住 - 你場show係免費入場嘎!

And the show's headline act is none other then American punk rock band Anti Flag! 當晚的main act就係來自美國嘅經典punk樂隊Anti Flag!

But if that's not exciting enough - the opening bands include ASIAN PUNK BANDS!!!!!! 當晚仲可以同其他亞洲punk樂隊一起分享我地亞洲punk and hardcore的文化!!!! 對我...Read more

about 8 years ago 59 likes  0 comment  14 shares


山海屯音樂節 - 台灣 Heartown Festival - Taiwan

十一月二十六號 November 26, 2016 海 Stage 3:00pm

大家可以這裡免費下載我們中文版本的歌曲 Download the Chinese versions of our songs here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f2zcr9d50qy1dfs/AABAatPMFBKEZhr1e87EGHpSa?dl=0


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about 8 years ago 9 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Wow...the timing of this trailer couldn't be more perfect. 岩岩講完白人主義的情況。。。然後今日見到呢個新電影的trailer.

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about 8 years ago 32 likes  0 comment  0 shares

呢件事實在太恐怖 - 美國呢一兩年變咗好多 - 以前會儘量hide自己種族歧視的人士,依家會好proud企出來罵非白人。比如呢個撚樣 - 係呢片段可以見到佢係一位白人至上主義者在他支持者者面前話依家因為Trump美國進入咗百人的時代。然後聽完觀眾們會企起身sieg heil (納粹禮)! HOLY FUCK! 係2016年的時候人地咁夠膽做呢D嘢?!



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about 8 years ago 12 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Supporting a good band from the city you're from is easy to do if you really believe in the band not just because they're friends, but because you TRULY believe they're amazing. The band (Seasons For Change) put up an online link to their US label's merch order store and I ordered right away. It finally came in today and am super stoked on the shirt and the CD. (Not a fan of CD's - MUCH rather have vinyl.) Stoked on the music this band creates and hope they go FAR! Good luck boys! @seasonsforchange @kuloming @kdmitz

about 8 years ago 18 likes  0 comment  1 share

OH MY GOD!!!! This is SOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!! New extreme metal band Karmacipher is about to launch their debut record and you HAVE to listen to this debut track! HOLY SHIT! Talk about layers and layers of sonic madness...呢隊香港band好撚勁啊!佢地三十號將會出第一張唱片 - 今日可以試聽第一首歌 - 你會估唔到一隊香港band可以幾勁!每次播都會聽到D新嘢之前無留意到 - 好多layers嘎!

This is the best!

新碟嘅pre-orders已經現已發售!Pre-orders are up now! DO IT! https://karmacipher.bandcamp.com/releases

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over 8 years ago 9 likes  0 comment  1 share

hong kong metalcore strikes again! like the third time this week :-)

check out these mofos in Parallel Horizons as they rip through a brand new track.

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over 8 years ago 15 likes  0 comment  1 share

呢個叫中國民主? Disgrace! 原來中國民主係一班暴徒負責的。地獄先會見到佢地呢班仆街嘅真命運。

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over 8 years ago 15 likes  0 comment  0 shares


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007