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meeting my father............. | 與父親見面………… | 与父亲见面…………|meeting my father.............

   When I was in Taiwan two weeks ago.  I met up with my father by accident.   After my parents got divorced,  I have not seen my dad for 12 years or so. 

    The trip to Taiwan was to visit my grandmother,  she is almost 90 years old now.  She has been quite healthy all her life except for occasional asthma attack.  I'd called her during Chinese New Year, she was fine.  She told me she was visiting a friend somewhere.  But after she got back from the trip, she got sick.  I am not sure if she got a cold or some other kinds of sickness.  The symptoms she has seems like she caught a cold, But her body feels sore all over, So she has hard time getting out of the bed. All she can do now is lying on the bed all day long.   I'd flew back from Hong  Kong and my mother and sister flew back from LA to see her.  And When we walked in to my grandma's house, her maid told us that my father just arrived a few minutes before us.

And when I walked into the room, there was my dad sitting on a chair next to my sick grandma.

    I have a very strict  and traditional chinese father.  Since child,  me and my sisters are always afraid of him.  Although we all know he loves us,  but we hardly see him smile.  Especially me,  As the only boy child in the house, My father was especially strict to me. 

    When I walked in to the room and greet him,  I saw him looking straight at me and smile.  After all these years, that was the first time I feel the tenderness and love in his eyes,  I'm not sure how he felt, but I think he must have missed me too. 

     I must say, I wouldn't recognize him if he walk by me on the street,  he looked very old,  Somehow, I think he shrunk in size.  His hair was all gray, and lost a lot of weight.  I'd notice there was a walking stick next to him, it must have been the diabetes he got a few years ago.  He looks like a grandpa.  It was very visually shocking for me, because the last time I saw him he was fatter than now, and full of energy.  And this time, I saw a old man sitting in front of me.  We chatted for about an hour before I have to head off to the Airport.  I am very happy that I got to see him again after all these year.

這次去臺灣是看望我奶奶,她已經90歲 高齡。除了偶爾發哮喘,她的身體一直非常健康。春節期間我打電話給她時她都沒問題,還說要去別處看望朋友,但她回來時生病了。我不知道她是患感冒還是別的 病,癥狀看起來象是感冒,但她感覺全身疼痛,都沒法下床,現在只能整天躺在床上。我從香港、我母親和姐姐從洛杉磯飛回去看她。當我們正走向奶奶家時,她的 保姆告訴我們,我父親幾分鐘前比我們先到了。



我得承認,如果在街上與他擦肩而過,我恐怕 認不出他來。他看起來很老,身材比以前縮水了。他的頭發全部灰白,也消瘦了很多。我註意到他旁邊還放著一根拐杖,一定是因為幾年前患上的糖尿病。他看起來 象個祖父,讓我很震驚。上次看到他時,他比現在稍胖,精力充沛。這次我看到的卻是一位老人坐在我面前。我們聊了1小時左右,之後我就得直奔機場。這麽多年後,我很開心能與他再次見面。 | 两周前,当我还在台湾时,在偶然情况下与父亲见了面。自从父母离婚后,我有12年没见过父亲了。




我得承认,如果在街上与他擦肩而过,我恐怕认不出他来。他看起来很老,身材比以前缩水了。他的头发全部灰白,也消瘦了很多。我注意到他旁边还放着一根拐杖,一定是因为几年前患上的糖尿病。他看起来象个祖父,让我很震惊。上次看到他时,他比现在稍胖,精力充沛。这次我看到的却是一位老人坐在我面前。我们聊了1小时左右,之后我就得直奔机场。这么多年后,我很开心能与他再次见面。 | 僕が2週間前台湾を訪れていた時、偶然父に再会したんだ 。両親が離婚してからというもの、父とはかれこれ12年の間顔を合わせてなかったんだけどね。

台湾へは、90歳近い祖母に会いに行ったんだ。祖母はこれまで時々喘息の発作が出 る以外はすごく健康に暮らしてたんだよ。旧正月に電話した時は元気 そうで、どこだったか、友達のところを訪ねるって言っててね 。でも旅行から帰ってから体調を崩しちゃったんだ 。風邪か他の何かの病気なのかどうかはわからない 。風邪みたいな症状だけど、全身が痛いらしくてね 。なかなか起き上がれないから、今は1日中ベッドで横になってるしかない状態なんだよ。

彼女の様子を見に、僕は香港から、母と姉はロスから飛んで帰ったよ 。そして僕らが祖母の家に入った時、僕の父がついさっき着いたとこ ろだってことをメイドから聞かされたんだ。で、僕が部屋に入った時 、病気の祖母の横には椅子に腰掛けてる父がいたんだよ。

僕の父はすごく厳格で伝統的な中国人でね。小さい頃から僕や姉はい つも父を怖がってたよ。父が僕らを愛してくれてるのはわかってたけ ど、僕らは父が微笑むのをほとんど見たことがなかったな 。男の子が僕だけってことで、父は取り分け僕に厳しかったしね。

部屋に入って挨拶した時、父はまっすぐに僕を見て微笑んでくれたよ 。何年もの歳月が過ぎ去った後、これが父の目に優しさと愛情を初め て感じた瞬間だった。父がどう感じたかはわからないけど 、父も僕がいなくて寂しかったはずだと思うよ。

正直、父が通りで僕の側を通りかかっても僕は彼が父だとわからなか っただろうな。すごく年老いた感じだし、なんとなく小さく見えたか ら。髪もすっかり白くなってたし、すごく痩せちゃってたよ 。それに父の側には杖が置いてあったけど、あれは何年か前に糖尿病 になったせいに違いないんだ。なんだかまるでおじいさんみたいでね 。最後に父を見た時は今より太ってて元気いっぱいだったし 、僕にとっては視覚的にすごくショックだったよ。今回僕の目に映っ たのは、目の前に座ってる1人の老人だったんだ。僕が空港へ向かわなきゃいけなくなるまで 、僕らは1時間ほど話したんだ。長い年月を経て父に再会できてすごく嬉しく思 うよ。

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  72 评论s  0 shares
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
Wow! 12 years is a long time man. Glad to hear you connected again.
大约 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
did he say "hey, why the hell are you telling people I'm dead!"
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 36943
That is nice that you got to see your dad after all that time. I hope that it could be a new beginning for you guys. I hope that your grandmother feels better soon!! :)
大约 16 年 ago
Dearest Bro, When you told me about seeing your father,i felt a tinge of pain in you, I didn't know what to say to you. Apparently, this has a huge impact on you as it's been a few weeks now and it's still lingering in your mind. I'm so glad you got to meet him.
大约 16 年 ago
Ericnakamura 18 ericnakamura
Wow, that's an insane experience. Thanks for sharing that. And yes, your father... you cried for him. It had something to do with realizing some dreams about the "brat pack." That's funny in a way. Will you keep in touch with him?
大约 16 年 ago
hi brother was great thing to you.holp see you soon.
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 33405
Wow, 12 yrs is a long time apart... but glad you had the opportunity to see your father again and catch up with him. He must've been so happy to see you. And hope your grandmother feels better...
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 34610
Intense and touching story. Thanks for sharing that with us.
大约 16 年 ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
a very touching blog entry. I am glad you felt warmth that had been absent for so long. I wish you a better relation with your father.
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 24183
Only one hour in 12 years ??? Wow.... I hope you can make the interval much shorter before your next reunion... Have a great shoot in Shanghai!
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 49253
大约 16 年 ago
What a moment Bro....... I could picture this scene in the film but I could never feel how you felt at that magical moment ..... Take care at the set Bro =) Ttu soon ! xo Rozy
接近 16 年 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007