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Spencer Douglass
Producer , Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Food Critic
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Project Race - In the Beginning!

What now seems like quite a long time ago, I brought Kelvin to Pat Lee's art exhibition to meet Race and Rosanne Wong, Van Ness Wu and a series of other people. Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

48 Hour Film Project HK 2009 - making of "Responsible People" - Sunday

Well, Sunday, the last day of the 48 Hour Film  Project , was an entirely different experience for me. You see Sunday is the editing day, which means that there was absolutely nothing useful that I could do at all, apart from nagging the 2 editors, Arne Venema and Michael Ch...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

48 Hour Film Project HK 2009 - making of "Responsible People" - Saturday

Well the 2nd day of the 48 Hour Film Project - started pretty early, though considering that I hadn't slept all night, it's hard to qualify what exactly early means. At any rate I got down to CWB for 10am where Jeremy Fang picked up me and Elden Cheung (our cinematographer) in his van to rush us to Cinerent to pick up our lighting and sound equipment for the day.

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about 15 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

48 Hour Film Project HK 2009 - making of "Responsible People" - Friday Night

Putting together our short film entry for the 48 Hour Film Project - Hong Kong 2009 , was a lot of fun!

We started the night at Club 71, to pick up our genre (Comedy), character (Edwin Lai - hairdresser), prop (lychee martini) and line of the dialogue (what's tomorrow's weather going to be like?).

Then...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

48 Hour Film Project - Responsible People

So we finally got the short film produced by our team Robot Entourage for the 48 Hour Film Project up on youtube!  It's called Responsible People and is a cheerful tale about drugs, drinking, partying, mishaps and murder. With that happy subject matter, we managed to single handedly get the entire festival a IIB rating from the HK film ratings council. It was a LOT of fun to make and apart from the fact that I lost all feeling in my legs and totally pulled my back at one point, was generally a surprisingly painle...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Race Wong x Kelvin Avon (Afreex) Album Project

So we started recording songs for Race's first ever independent album about 8 days ago and things are going amazingly well.  Renowned international music producer and my good friend Kelvin Avon (industry name Afreex) is working together with her on the album doing the production and co-writing the songs. One of the songs will even feature lyrics from one of the world's...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

48 Hours Later

Well it's been a crazy few weeks that's for sure!

Having managed to pull together an entire film festival / competiton in just under a month, I think both Ivy and myself can be termed as a mixture of extremely ambitious, completely insane and right now, damn exhausted!

However, it was an amazing experience and in the end all came together incredibly well.

Some of the fun experiences along the way included our 3 drinks evenings gone wild at Fringe, Alhambra and back to Fringe again, engaging in daily midnight ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

News Coverage: "A Couple of Pirates Board the DevaShard Production"


Following the great news the other day that David Venghaus (Pirates of the Carribean - Assistant Director) and Eric McLeod (Pirates of the Carribean - Executive Producer) announced that they would be joining the DevaShard Production as Executive Producer and Producer respectively, the press and blogs immediately started reporting on it, using the evocative title: "A Couple of Pirates Board th...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Pirates of the Carribean Executive Producer Eric McLeod Joins DevaShard Film as Producer!

As if we hadn't already had enough great news with David Venghaus (Assistant Director of Pirates of the Carribean) and Kevin Grevioux (co-creator, writer and actor in Underworld) coming on board the DevaShard project, I am now extremely happy to announce that one of the most successful Producers in Hollywood has confirmed he will be joining the DevaShard film project as Producer

Eric McLeod, Executive Producer of Pirates of the Carribean and producer of Mr....Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Pirates of the Carribean Assistant Director David Venghaus Comes on Board DevaShard Film!


More amazing news continued to stream in this week, as Assistant Director to the world famous Pirates of the Carribean films, David Venghaus confirmed that he would be joining the DevaShard project as an Executive Producer.

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over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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Member Since
February 25, 2008