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marcus a.c.
Producer , MC / Show Host , Stylist
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Blog: Wednesday, Aug 22


43 is something new to me.

frankly i'm into being 43 for just about a week andstrangely enough, it feels the same.so what should i look for at 43?does work change?or how i dress?or for that matter where i shop?what is this thing called Mid Life Crisis?is it Man-O-Pause?am i half way done with Life?i don't know...43 is new.and so far its been good.No stress. Work is good. Family's happy.the only thing that's missing for n...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blog: Tuesday, Aug 7

i love singapore...

with the country turning another year older there's a new campaign called

'' I LOVE SINGAPORE Because... ''

it's all over the bus stops, malls, heartland estates.

it's so everywhere, it's kinda hard to miss.

and it got me started.

i love singapore because

... i am no longer the minority race.

... i can play tourist in my own country.

that's all i have.

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blog: Wednesday, Jul 25

what do you do? 9 to 5?Sales?Politics?F&B?Entertainment?Banking? Nothing? whatever it is,there's only 2 ways of doing it.1, you are good at it or2, you are happy doing it. if its neither then i'd say QUIT.it's the least you can do for yourself.

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blog: Tuesday, Jul 10

shit hole...

there really are all kinds of people when it comes to breakups.

the 'tough' ones who put up a strong front but bitch about the Ex.

the 'sad' ones who only listen to sappy love songs.

the 'its not you... its me!' ones who are just lying.

the 'sorry' ones who need the world to fell sorry for them.

the 'let's take a break' ones who just wanna play.Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blog: Friday, Jun 22

just a touch...

noticed how tech savvy people have become?

from passer-bys recording accidents on the street to

frighten passengers filming upset aunties in the train.

almost anything & everything lands on either Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

everyone i know is on 3G, 4G, 4GS or WiFi.

even aunties...

gone are the days when you leave, no one could contact you.

when sending a mail would ...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blog: Tuesday, Jun 5

*****moving on...*I'm... Back!yes yes yes.i've been away for too long and i don't care to share why.all i know is that i'm back for good and am feeling a million times better.who knew that some much can happen in 30 daysor for that matter 48hrsor even within the first 5 months of 2012!but it did. things happen.we live. we love.now all i wanna do is take everything in.and keep moving on...

over 12 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

starting 2012 in June...

hey guys!

i know i've been missing for the LONGEST time but i'm BACK!

May has been a crazy month and it will also be The Month/The Year of my Life.without going into too much details... i just wanna share that i lost my Mom on 4th May 2012.long story short... she was ill. when into A&E. passed away in 48hrs.but the family has been well and is going strong, just like how she would have wanted.we all miss her... Dad, my sisters, the kids and everyone else.from here it really is a case of remembering her and ...Read more

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blog: Wednesday, Apr 18

My 4 precious Episodes of SUPERMODEL ME! really had a great time with the girls and Lisa S!somedays i'm good, somedays i'm not and somedays i'm real.  http://video.xin.msn.com/watch/video/episode-1/1gqn9vriv?cpkey=f7772389-1d11-45e1-ada7-e9070005deec||||Read more

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blog: Wednesday, Apr 18

what say u?

the most common 3 word sentence is I Love You.but what about the other 3 word sentences?you know, the ones that we hardly use or are afraid to say...I Hate You.Don't Let Go.Pls Move In.I Need Help.You ARE Ugly.I Am Wrong.Leave Me Alone.I Am Cheap.Don't Call Me.Pay Me Back.Need My Space.Marry Me Pls.I Am Sorry.Don't Facebook Me.Go Screw Yourself.think we need to improve our communication skills.what say u?

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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