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King Lychee
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over 8 years ago 92 likes  0 comment  8 shares

hong kong certainly loves its metal (and especially if its technical)! this track is crazy by our hong kong progressive metal band Qollision as they gear up to release their next full length.

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over 8 years ago 10 likes  0 comment  0 shares

呢個撚樣on9到仆街但係都俾50%嘅美國人選擇咗。見到呢個報導生氣到仆街。搞掂咗呢個回教人嘅名單下一步就應該係holocaust of Muslims。自己睇下歷史啦 - 呢個地球係已經經歷過呢件事。



This fucking turd and his policies was elected by about 50% of the American populace, and now he's moving on this ignorant "Muslim database" bullshit. Guess what's next? A Muslim holocaust. Look at history people - we've seen this bullshit before.

What gives us some solace is that since this article has been released I've seen many non-Muslim...Read more

over 8 years ago 13 likes  0 comment  3 shares

“可唔可以俾我聽下 D hardcore嘢?" THIS.


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over 8 years ago 3 likes  0 comment  0 shares

我地完全唔care內地政府點睇但係我地為從地下世界出來嘅朋友黑鬼 (香港band Chockma主唱) 勁proud! This is SO awesome! Our brother ex-vocalist of HK band Chockma got to meet the Dalai Lama. We don't give a shit how the CCP sees this, we stand proud of this moment. This is Hong Kong. We are and SHOULD be free to meet whoever we want, invite whoever we want to come to Hong Kong to continue to have deep meaningful conversations. Without meaningful conversations how can we continue to claim to be a 文明社會? 文明社會唔會怕D人講乜或者有咩想法 - 越唔同越想聽佢地嘅角度。咁樣先大家可以繼續grow in love and understanding. Proud of you bro!

over 8 years ago 1 like  0 comment  0 shares

so stoked for our young brothers in hong kong band Parallel Horizons! keep killing it! keep getting out of hong kong!


over 8 years ago 7 likes  0 comment  1 share

除咗hiphop, punk, hardcore仲有D咩音樂可以咁直接講現在世界發聲緊的事?

"All you Black folks, you must go All you Mexicans, you must go And all you poor folks, you must go Muslims and gays, boy, we hate your ways So all you bad folks, you must go"


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over 8 years ago 19 likes  0 comment  1 share

真民主就一定要尊重唔同人嘅睇法 - 計算你唔同意。但係香港嘅情況係複雜好多 - 比如呢班來撐返港獨/支持政府D人 - 片段裡面無一個識講標準廣東話嘅人。咁建立咗個印象就係如果你係撐政府咁你多數都會係內地人唔係土生土長香港人。咁你地呢個作法係錯曬啦。Good luck.

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over 8 years ago 18 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Wow! @vice Indonesia has released a Bahasa version of the article about us that was up on Vice last week! Thanks so much for doing that! The links can be found at uniteasia.org now!

over 8 years ago 22 likes  0 comment  2 shares

香港新一代的希望! 大人唔敢做 - 中學生做到!

To find out what these brave middle schoolers at a local school in Hong Kong did when a visiting piece of crap government figure visited the school, in light of recent political bullshit gripping hong kong - check out this article below and feel immense pride and hope in the future of hong kong:

https://www.hongkongfp.com/2016/11/10/students-protest-basic-law-interpretation-visit-former-secr...Read more

over 8 years ago 12 likes  0 comment  0 shares


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d

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Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007