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King Lychee
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To all our American friends...we spent this summer and have spent many years of our lives befriending MANY MANY of you - we all know that the vast majority of you are good decent human beings, which makes this result all the more startling. But it is your reality now for at least the next 4 years (or 8).

All we can humbly ask you to do is under this dark DARK cloud is to continue to look after religious minorities, refugees, people of color, people who speak different languages, people who speak with accents, women, members of the the LGBTQ community, people ...Read more

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over 8 years ago 48 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Our drummer paying respects to the originators, the masters, the kings - Bad Brains. The idea about learning the roots of whatever culture you are passionate about is a BIG part of this band King Ly Chee. There is a reason why people are so diehard about punk rock or hardcore or metal or hip hop or photography or skateboarding...because they've gotten deep into the mindset behind that CULTURE, it's NOT just a type of music or sport or activity. It's not a superficial surface level connection, but something that goes deep into their hearts. The more you lea...Read more

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over 8 years ago 23 likes  0 comment  2 shares

見到呢個勁開心 - 兩隊香港band將會去馬來西亞參加果邊的反法西斯主義的演出。在朋克文化呢個anti-fascist/anti-racist的態度係好緊要。但係我最開心係見到呢兩隊band不停會搵機會離開香港演出 - 佢地已經去咗菲律賓幾次,然後搵到呢個機會去馬來西亞演出。

我地好鼓勵所有香港樂隊搵機會去第二到演出 - 感受下第二地方樂隊嘅水平和果邊嘅scene。咁樣返來香港可以提高自己嘅水準。。。咁樣滿滿全香港的band scene都可以一齊進步。

Congrats to HK punk bands Oi Squad and Two Finger Salute!

  • Two Finger Salute (HK oi punk) 宜家搵緊多一位吉他手 - 有興趣嘅話請直接聯絡佢地!
over 8 years ago 8 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Cool to see after so many years we're still here. This poster is up at the Warehouse now...in this photo I had hair! Hahaha...

over 8 years ago 31 likes  0 comment  1 share

SOOOOOOOO GOOD!!! 正撚到爆。請繼續支持有國際水準的香港band!港外D人要聽到呢D咁嘅本地樂隊!Good job ladies!!!!!!!! HK band GDJYB release new track from upcoming full length and it's soooooo rad!

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over 8 years ago 21 likes  0 comment  2 shares

早晨各位好友!:-) 美國網站Noisey (vice.com) 今日有個文章講我地!!! 勁感動佢地果邊會留意我地呢隊band然後覺得我地嘅故事就係值得寫出來!希望大家得閒都可以花少少時間睇或者share! Good morning friends! We're stoked that Noisey has put up a feature on us! It's pretty insane that they even know who we are and what we've been up to out here...check it out if you have time and please share if you can. It'd be rad to keep getting the word out about us...hoping that next summer when we get back to the US there'll be more good times to be had :-) Thank you so much to our friend and comrade Mike for looking out for us! He's ...Read more

over 8 years ago 172 likes  0 comment  17 shares

岩岩有個朋友send呢個俾我。原來你地上國泰航空飛機都會見到我地 - 哈哈哈哈。。。自己仲未睇到所以唔知個文章係講乜但係好感謝有本香港雜誌會講我地。我地好少係香港媒體出現尬!So a friend just sent this to me! When you get on Cathay Pacific you'll see us in their in flight magazine hahaha...have no idea what the article is about but still pretty cool to get a feature like this on a HK based airplane.

over 8 years ago 41 likes  0 comment  1 share

Always so rad to flip through @allinmerch page and see that amongst such great bands that we are huge fans of like @incendiaryhc, chain of strength, @downtonothing, carry on...that you see our merch available too...thanks to anyone in the US that has been picking it up! To buy our stuff online just hit up allinmerch.com

over 8 years ago 7 likes  0 comment  1 share

好期待聽佢地新歌!一入個main riff感覺超興奮!let's do this 慘慘豬 CharmCharmChu HK thrash metal titans!


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over 8 years ago 13 likes  0 comment  1 share

People make our clothes look so fucking rad...let me tell you how rad we are - it's 8:30pm and I just put my four year old to sleep and am about to crawl into my own bed and go to sleep so I can get up at 5:45am to get to work tomorrow. Shit don't get any tougher then that! :-) Thanks everyone for allowing us to dream once in awhile...

over 8 years ago 8 likes  0 comment  0 shares


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007