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今個禮拜日我地將會參加香港新開的音樂節叫 Open Sesame...唔需要來睇我地。但係其他表演單位全部值得支持!成個lineup可以上呢個網站睇一睇: opensesamecamp.com

Repost @opensesamehk with @repostapp.

・・・ 【樂隊公怖第4回】

戶外活動點少得聽行嘢呢? 繼噚日3隊本地重型band 今日再比多四隊大家吊大家癮^_^ 嚟緊我地陸續會公怖活動同購票詳情, 記得 Follow 我地攞最新消息!

樂隊包括: @div_fml / @kinglychee 荔枝王 / Shepherds The Weak / 慘慘豬 CharmCharmChu We will be giving more details about our events and ticketing soon, stay tuned and follow us on Facebook and instagram (@opensesamehk) #DIV #KINGLYCHEE #ShepherdsTheWeak #Charmcharmchu #慘慘豬#芝麻開壇 #芝麻嶺 #opensesamehk #hongkong #musiccamp...Read more

接近 9 年 前 111 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

聽晚西九龍將會屬於我地兩個。到時見。Tomorrow night belongs to us: Evocation x King Ly Chee. See you tomorrow. August 9 - @westkowloon Freespace Happening... free entry - 8pm.

接近 9 年 前 80 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Sick of it All Asian Tour 2015 with King Ly Chee Sept 25 – Singapore Sept 26 – Kuala Lumpur Sept 27 – Manila Sept 29 – Bangkok Oct 2 – Shanghai Oct 3 – Beijing Oct 4 – Hong Kong More info about the reason for changes to the tourdates, why Indonesia got canceled and further information:

uniteasia.org @uniteasia @sickofitallnyc

接近 9 年 前 297 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

August 9 - Free Entry - West Kowloon, Hong Kong...all day event for families...at night there will be some bands...all of them commercial for the masses - but then there will also be two loud screamy bands - King Ly Chee (hardcore) + Evocation (metal)...得閒過來參觀下 :-)!

接近 9 年 前 74 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

琴晚演出最正的照片!哈哈哈。。。完全抓到我地近幾年玩呢個樂隊的心態。以前好想香港人了解到我地呢個風格,我地D音樂,我地D信息。。。已過咗十六年啦 - 可以幾確定話呢到永遠都唔會接受我地啦 :-) 係香港出show幾肯定特登來睇我地D人都唔會超過十幾個啦。哈哈哈。。。所以近幾年一上台就只係為自己玩得開心!唔里觀眾跟唔跟到我地D音樂。。。明唔明我地D groove。。。一開始咁樣諗其實我地放鬆咗好多!哈哈哈 。。。 就係呢張相的表情。



Best photo from our show in Kuala Lumpur last night :-) Certainly encapsulates the vibe we've had on stage for the past couple years...less concerned about "winning people over" and whether or not people "get us". Now we just get on stage and have a good time...Read more

接近 9 年 前 196 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

King Ly Chee Family x Central Market KL...belly full of mee goreng, nasi goreng, Teh Tarik...heading to soundcheck soon...Chunwoo Stadium tonight ladies and gents - see you all there!

接近 9 年 前 153 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Evocation x King Ly Chee...on our way to Malaysia...see you all tomorrow night in KL!

接近 9 年 前 140 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Last time we played in Malaysia was this past June in beautiful Malacca! There were probably 20 people at the show but we had the best fucking time :-) Hoping this Saturday's show in KL is a little better attended hahaha...but still excited to get back to KL and fill my body up with Teh Tarik. See you all at Stadium Chinwoo, Kuala Lumpur this Saturday! Teh Tarik For Life Muthafuckas! #afest

接近 9 年 前 187 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Two Hong Kong bands coming to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this Saturday!

Hong Kong metal: Evocation Hong Kong hardcore: King Ly Chee

Performing at:

A FEST Music Festival Stadium Chinwoo, Jalan Hang Jebat 50150 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tickets on sale now: http://afest2015.peatix.com/

Show: 6pm Bands: King Ly Chee Evocation Fear Index Farasu Lang Zang Wang Xerpent Grand Master *See you there! Bring the Teh Tarik and lets get wild! :-) @uniteasia @kidsonthemovehc @secondcombat...Read more

接近 9 年 前 132 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

今日係回教人的大日子!去完廟見到有個禮物到咗係家裡。打開見到呢個來自印尼最大的硬核樂隊Straight Answer自己寄給我件衫和CD!今日真係過得好開心!Today is a massive day for Muslims everywhere! Eid Mubarak! Went to the mosque to pray and came home to a package from this awesome Indonesian hardcore band Straight Answer! Best Eid ever! Eid Mubarak everyone! @xmadeofstonex

大约 9 年 前 226 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d


Hong Kong
April 19, 2007