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King Lychee
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絕對明白 - 來睇Clockenflap的觀眾只係想睇D外國band...因為呢Dband就少來香港表演或者從來未來過。We totally get it...people who're going to be attending the HK festival of the century are really coming to watch the foreign bands. We get it...these bands have either never played here before or are rarely seen here.

但係對我地來講 - 我地可以同呢幾隊香港share個舞台叫YourMum我地都興奮!如果得閒可以留意下今個週末的香港樂隊...but to us - we're SUPER stoked to be sharing the YourMum stage with the following Hong Kong bands:

話梅鹿 - Prune Deer OWK

See you all there Sunday 7:30pm! 星期日見 YourMum舞台見!

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almost 9 years ago 42 likes  0 comment  1 share

本地香港樂隊 Local Hong Kong band - 荔枝王King Ly Chee

Clockenflap Sunday - November 29

好興奮啊!到時見! See you all there! We are SUPER excited for this!


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almost 9 years ago 36 likes  0 comment  1 share

點lun樣可以同smartone講我唔lun想收任何香港娛樂圈的垃圾通告!I don't give a FUCK about佢地任何fucking活動! On9. 次次收到就一lun樣咁火爆!哈哈哈。

almost 9 years ago 59 likes  0 comment  0 shares

繼續推介呢個新開亞洲區的音樂新聞網站。網站的目標好簡單 - 俾我地亞洲的樂隊一個好機會發表自己樂隊的新消息。外國就有好多呢D網站比如: lambgoat, blabbermouth, metalsucks, 等等 - 呢D網站經常會發關於美國/歐洲樂隊的消息。諗咗好耐然後決定咗不如自己開一個然後只放亞洲樂隊的消息上去。開咗八個月 - 估唔到人地會咁欣賞呢個網站!Keep pushing this website that I started up earlier this year! The whole point of the website is simple - to help promote and support Asian bands and all their various happenings. Always been a keen reader of websites like Lambgoat, Blabbermouth, etc...but those sites always missed out on vital information about Asian bands and all the insane things that happen here. So I decided why not j...Read more

almost 9 years ago 66 likes  0 comment  0 shares

繼續推介呢個新開的亞洲區的網站。網站的目標好簡單 - 俾我地亞洲的樂隊一個好機會發表自己樂隊的新消息。外國就有好多呢D網站比如: lambgoat, blabbermouth, metalsucks, 等等 - 呢D網站經常會發關於美國/歐洲樂隊的消息。諗咗好耐然後決定咗不如自己開一個然後只放亞洲樂隊的消息上去。開咗八個月 - 估唔到人地會咁欣賞呢個網站!Keep pushing this website that I started up earlier this year! The whole point of the website is simple - to help promote and support Asian bands and all their various happenings. Always been a keen reader of websites like Lambgoat, Blabbermouth, etc...but those sites always missed out on vital information about Asian bands and all the insane things that happen here. So I decided why not just...Read more

almost 9 years ago 17 likes  0 comment  3 shares

萬分感謝 Clockenflap 的支持!佢地寫呢段嘢真係好感動。。。This introduction to us really got me quite emotional...can't thank Clockenflap enough for not only their invitation, but for recognizing our efforts over these past 16 years.

非常多謝Clockenflap的邀請但係更加多謝佢地的認同和尊重。THANK YOU!

香港D 七十一可以買飛啊大佬?!勁唔勁啊!You can buy tickets for this at all of HK's 7-11's! That is CRAAAAAAAZY rad!!!!

Remember you can download songs that we'll be playing for free at this link 記住 - 我地當然將會演D歌你地大家可以係呢個網站免費下載: Read more

almost 9 years ago 92 likes  0 comment  0 shares

RIP to the victims of the senseless violence in Paris.

Rest in Power.

almost 9 years ago 26 likes  0 comment  1 share

呢隊香港band正到仆街。。。Planck。。。this HK band is fucking amazing! Good good post-rock jams!!!! http://uniteasia.org/hong-kong-post-rock-band-planck-throw-up-amazing-debut-track/

almost 9 years ago 64 likes  0 comment  0 shares

近期聽D新血香港樂隊我真係覺得人地水準高lun咗好多。。。上個禮拜聽到 Pave The Path 的debut歌。。。HK's new blood bands have been unleashing levels of standards that are seriously that are beyond belief...last week we talked about an INSANE debut by a new metal band called Pave the Path

今日聽到呢隊zhan D想哭。。。呢隊本地香港post-rock樂隊的一首歌感動到仆街。。。大家一定要多多留意香港樂隊...首歌開頭的唱歌方式正到。。。today we checked out a new post-rock band called Planck and their debut song down below...dude...almost brought me tears...this is an amazing band - the entire beginning of the song has amazing vocals...

已經重複聽咗幾十萬次。。。i've alr...Read more

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almost 9 years ago 40 likes  0 comment  7 shares

HK new blood metalcore Acting We Acting - mosh heavy!

almost 9 years ago 19 likes  0 comment  0 shares


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007