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Kenji Lui
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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Email Nightmare..help!

My cinespot email address seems to be targeted by email spammers, they probably use my email as the return path when they send out spam emails, and so I have been getting tons of returned email every other day recently, from a few hundreds to a few thousands, which is really very very very annoying and troublesome....

i have asked quite some people and it seems that there is not much I can do. Anyone got similar experience and how do you usually deal with it?

about 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

三藩市買影碟心得 | My little guide of dvd purchase in SF

Below is an article I wrote for Cinespot.com, about a little guide of buying DVD movies in San Francisco. I think it might be a good idea to post it here as well. Unfortunately I only have it written in Chinese and I don't have time to translate it to English. I hope those who read Chinese and live in the Bay Area find it useful.


很 多 影 迷 出 外 旅 遊 ﹐ 都 會 有 一 鋪 「 尋 碟 」癮 ﹐ 看 看 能 否 找 到 一 些 在 港 罕 見 或 難 找 的 影 碟 。 我 在 三 藩 市...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

A Trailer of my new short film

Here below is a rough trailer of my new short film "The Divine Cronus". The film is about 16 minutes long and it is about cannibalism. The budget is very low...

Take a look at this trailer I cut. I may probably redo it later, but hopefully it'll give you an idea of what the film is about. let me know if you have any questions or comments (e.g. whether the trailer makes you wanna see more or makes you hate it already :))

Video: h...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

don't like firework...

Firework is great, but they look all the same, and they are so short lived. I sometimes wonder why people always love to see it? I personally don't enjoy it very much and I don't enjoy any festival celebrations.. am i weird?

no i didn't go to watch the firework, below are just the view from my house..

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about 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

Horrible car accident again...

I know I have written about car accidents before, but after witnessing another horrible one yesterday, I guess I should write to remind everyone to be careful when you drive.

yesterday morning, a terrible car accident happened on the freeway 880 in eastbay, a big rig going on southbound lane of the freeway lost control and crashed the median boulder and had a head-on crash with a delivery truck on the northbound lane. yeah it is that crazy.. a southbound car hitting a northbound car. the hit caused immediate fire and t...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

My Euro 2008 is f**king over!!

I couldn't believe this shit!

I couldn't believe this shit!

I couldn't believe this shit!

Holland lost to Russia 1:3...how could that happen!!!???...

Oh my.. Holland really played very bad this time, and unfortunately they played bad at the knockout stage.. it was just like another team, the attack was not sharp, and the defense was not solid.. i dunno why they even failed to chase the ball and everyone was just like exhausted even in the first half.. wtf is with them? it is as if the...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Kinnikuman DVD Box for hardcore fans!



■TVシリーズ全184話 + 劇場版全7作品完全収録!


・TVスペシャル「キン肉マン 決戦!!七人の超人VS宇宙野武士」

・「キン肉マン キン肉星王位争奪編」全46話


・劇場版「キン肉マン 大暴れ!正義超人」(’...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares







about 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares






about 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Euro 2008

Euro2008 coming tomorrow!!!!


Which team do you support? Holland go go!! have been supporting Holland since the 80s, still remember van basten's unbelievable goal against soviet union in 1988.. so cool..

must watch:

6/09 holland vs italy

6/13 holland vs france

6/17 france vs italy


Video: http://www.youtu...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


Don't forget your dream!

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
San francisco, United States
Member Since
May 14, 2007