Official Artist
Kenji Lui
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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HK FilmMonth 2007

For those who dunno, check this out: http://www.rthk.org.hk/special/filmmonth2007/index.htm

This is basically a TV series produced by RTHK, there are 10 episodes and each of them covers an aspect of the world film market, like, the first one talks about the independent realm in hk, and then the second one about japanese film market...

i think it is a very good introductory film course for anyone who wanna learn more about what is happening...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

DVD's education

I am not sure if there is any DVD collectors here, I myself have been collecting DVD in the past few years and I notice that quite a lot of people don't really care much about the quality of the DVD they buy.

I mean, it is no doubt the prices of the DVD are getting cheaper and cheaper, but unfortunately, the qualities are also getting lower and lower. Price does matter somehow. Check the image below:

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over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Starting a new project

I'll be starting a new project soon, it is gonna be a low budget short film and the entire film will probably be set in the bay area.

Right now I have about 6~8 people who have agreed to commit, some from BW and some newcomers. I am currently doing some research on the subject, and hoping to get a rough scrīpt done soon.

If anyone is interested, let me know. Thanks.

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

one or two things about filmmaking

I am sure anyone who is familiar with filmmaking understands it well, but I guess it might be interesting to share some of the problems I have encountered before when I was making films:

  1. Actor fled in the middle of filming Problem: It happened during the production of Yellow Fish, one of the main actors (sure non-professional) was probably scared by the intensive laboring process of filmmaking and simply refused to continue filming after first day.

Solution: We tried our best to persuade him, b...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

A little about BW Productions

Thereafter is the first project of a group called BW Productions.BW, which stands for "blow water" (in Cantonese, that means babbling or chit chating), basically explains how it all began. So it was initated by three guys, including me and two other friends, who wanted to make films that are more serious, and then gradually more friends joined in, and the backbone of the group was formed.

With a group of young and ambitious Asian artists and filmmakers residing in the Bay Area,California, we share similar goals...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Thereafter (trailer)

Video: Thereafter

(I was trying to upload a video link from youtube, but i am not sure if it works. if anyone can see it, please let me know. thanks.)

Thereafter (2006)



Faced with the death of the Father, a family copes with grieving and loss, as they prepare their home for Father’s return on the seventh night

Director's statement

The theme of this short film is very simple – to explore how Chinese cope with the loss of a family member and how they support ea...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

non-stop fest walk...

In the past few months, I have been to 4 film festivals, seeing quite a number of films. First it is the San Francisco Asian American Film Festival (SFAFF) in March, and then it is the Hong Kong International Film Festival, and then IFVA, and at last the San Francisco International Film Festival...

SFAFF was kinda fun, and the best thing about it is the cheap ticket price... have been attending this fest for quite a few years, this time thank to my job, got some priviledges and caught up with a preview screening of "Dark Ma...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Hi all

 Hi all,

Just stop by to say hi. I heard from ALIVE (when they were visiting SF last month)  that this site has become an online community for aritist, hope I can get to know some fellow indie filmmakers, especially those in San Francisco.

A little about myself, I have been writing film reviews for this website called cinespot.com for about 10 years, some of my articles are also available on some other publications... also try to make indie shorts, recently completed one called "thereafter" (Daniel and Andrew might remember t...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
San francisco, United States
Member Since
May 14, 2007