Official Artist
Jeanne Hartman
Actor , Director
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My Beloved Actors and Actresses in Hong Kong


So I am back home in LA and in time to watch the Lakers beat the Magic tonight.  But we all know that the Magic is a great team and the next game everyone begins again at 0 – 0.   

Of course that makes me think of acting!  And all my students know that almost everything makes me think of acting.   So listen up my dear, dear artists!

Every time you pick up a script you must begin again.  Of course what you have learned will help you move through your journey faster,  exploring your character and the story BUT YOU MUST ALWAYS START AT THE BEGINNING AGAIN.

I know you might be frustrated that I say that but it is just what we do.  And we love doing it so begin at the beginning.  Everything you learned with me in our workshops will help you to move down that road faster and better but you must still walk the walk.  

Just as the great athletes who will play each game of the NBA Finals must begin again at the beginning of the next game.  Yes they learn something playing each game (hopefully) but they still begin again.  

Actually I find this joyous.  As in life, we have a failure or a disappointment but guess what, we get to get up the next morning and begin again.   

And as all of you know, I LOVE the exploration.  It is like solving a mystery before you get to the end of the book or  the movie.  

So enjoy the journey my dear Actors and Actresses.  And take the journey as often as you can because each time you explore a character and a story you get better at what you do!  

I miss you all and the joy and pleasure I get from teaching you and watching you grow.  Keep going and I hope to see you again soon.  

over 15 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
So true, Jeanne! So true.
over 15 years ago
Dsc 1374
am looking forward to seeing u in singapore too!
over 15 years ago
Photo 39538
It was a pleasure meeting you and chatting for brief moment at the wrap party. Unfortunately, I came to Hong Kong a few days too late to take your workshop.
over 15 years ago
Photo 55551
What an inspiration! Thankyou xxxx
over 15 years ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
Thank you for remining us, Jeanne. You are much missed here.
over 15 years ago
Jayson 93 2
Great advice Jeanne! It was great seeing you again hope to see you again soon!
over 15 years ago
Photo 403831
"BUT YOU MUST ALWAYS START AT THE BEGINNING AGAIN." That is so true, and so well said, Jeanne. We miss you and your amazing energy!
over 15 years ago
This is why we all respect you so much -- solid and sound advice that we can actually put into practice. Thank you.
over 15 years ago


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