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Dave Chappelle

I almost forgot. You would never guest who I ran into in Africa !! Well you know cause my title is called Dave Chappelle. He was at the Table Mountain Cable car area having a cig. He noticed me looking at him and gave me a nod, probably because my mouth dropped. Probably a little surprised that a Chinese guy recognized him in Africa. I rarely asked for a photo with any celebrities but I am a big fan of his and I was really surprised to see him in Africa and my wife encouraged me to take a photo so I did ! He was nice enough and said he's off duty but no problem ! Incase you don't know who he is...

Me and Dave f_ _ king Chappelle !!!

Some of his work..

Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc6yLmQjyPo

about 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
that is so frickin' awesome!
about 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
btw - he did a stand-up routine about people coming up to him to him in public places: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=6VsefY9kWcI
about 16 years ago
37520 200909222230394 dot thumb
OMG....U met my hero!!! HOly#%$^....Dave helped me thru some crazy times man...I have all his standups and block party!!! man...He ran away from selling out!! really reminded me of my past how he went MIA...only difference is...He's RICH B^$%CH !!!!!
about 16 years ago
Photo 37059
Damn! Chappelle is the man!!!!
about 16 years ago
Photo 39462
fan explicitives tastic!!! lucky man :)) x
about 16 years ago
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
That's so cool! Funny ass clip btw..
about 16 years ago
Photo 61114
"Everybody...fucking EVERYBODY..HEY! hey!...I'm Rick James bitch!...HEY!!" "Hey man, you mind not calling me a bitch in front of my kids? Time out muthaf**ka, can we take a day off?" Hahaha Great to see that he's cool. CHAPPELLE for President 2012!
about 16 years ago


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