Scottie Hui
导演, 歌手
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AiYa! pls Let me explain!


(星島)11月4日 星期二 06:30


( 星島日報    報道)獲得「CASH音樂成就大獎」的黎彼得不敢批評現時填詞人,不過他覺得是現今教育問題,這一代的文采不比以往好。最後由 鍾舒漫    許懷欣    孫耀威    等歌手演繹黎彼得作品,久未露面的蔡楓華是座上客。

  懷欣胞弟懷谷亦有出席頒獎禮,懷谷親口承認明年與拍拖3年的女友結婚,他女友從事會計,父親 許冠傑    大為高興,並給予未來新抱多於100分。問會否計畫生小朋友?他說或者會。另外,懷谷前晚與一名男友人同行,透露對方是父親的徒弟,並會與對方組樂隊「哎吔」,會將父親的歌曲演繹為英文版。文:張穎芝 圖:羅強安






Thanks to Sing Tao newspaper for the china man pic. hahahah.  My eyes are completely closed.  What the hell?

Rockin' some last minute shirt I had to put on for the announcement.  I had a miskeen, but it ripped near the collar!!...Sorry MissyK. 

The cat is out of the bag today!

I'm bringing back out my dad's music whether you like it or not (which I hope you do).  If you've never heard his stuff, check out some of the local hong kong classic songs he's done " Sam hui Mv's"

I'm working with a young unknown multitalented Elvis freak Justin Lim.  Together we have decided to remake my dads music by adding new beats while keeping the old sound intact so that people can remember the good old times.  The biggest difference is the songs will all be in English.  Justin will sing for the ladies and sooth the guys, while I add a bit of rap to freshen' up the tunes.

Lots of peeps have been helpful and we are almost ready to launch the first single. I'd love to let you hear it now, but I can't, so here's a little tease:

Our first remake will be (I've hinted this before)...



One of the many people to help us closely on this track is super talented, and is well-known to friends as Tone Deaf (Stephen Lim).  He's worked on several artist including:

Jacky Cheung, Hacken Lee, Alan Tam, Sandy Lam, Deanie Ip, and Hins.

He's proud of Jacky Cheung's last maindran album and my other brotha Jun Kung Moov Live.

It was a pleasure to work with him and he really believes in what we're trying to do, so I really can't wait for you all to hear the track.  It's due to pop out any day now.  Stay tuned!!




15 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
nice.love to hear.
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, good luck! Sounds like a challenge! But it should be pretty cool! Keep us updated!
15 年多 ago
Photo 39462
Oi I have your personalized shirt still and I really really miss ma bro!!! :( xx
15 年多 ago
Photo 55108
love the chinaman pic ... totally Fu Man Chu look bro!
15 年多 ago



english, cantonese
Hong Kong
May 28, 2007