Phat Chan
剪接师, 音乐家, 说唱歌手
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The Ting Tings

Just got this cd, very easy listening and hip, makes me happy every time i listen to it. Check them out yo!  

Video: Great DJ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myJnsqGgxxM

Video: That's not my name http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UX0p7uAW2s

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Couple weeks ago Daniel gave me this dvd at the boxing gym. He said: ' do u know this band? u should know them, pure punk, and this live concert is classic, peoples still talk about it.'

Just like Dan said, is classic!  Even the sound and video quality  was not that good but still i can feel the energy! Keeping it Raw, rocking that Hardcore!!! Respect! Thank U Daniel! I will watch it again with my Hardpack Brothers! Yeah! Read more

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九把刀 giddens

Recently finished this two books, freaking awesome![](/attachments/2008/05/34654_200805211452211.thumb.jpg) I just love this dude九把刀.

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AnD show!

Thanks Raffi aka ' HamSupLO ' to film and editing this for us! Enjoy! So happy that night...Yeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB3TnS9nrWU

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New Kids On The Block reunion

What the hell...NKOTBreunion! I used to love their music when i was very young. ( The most reason i love them because they are good looking and their dance move. Obviously i am not a nature born rocker or hip hoper...hahahaha!) It's kinda good feel to see them back in the good sharp, but their new song...SUCK!   Read more

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Channel V AMP

What a crazy week!!! Alive not dead birthday party then club Sugar relaunching party, busy crazy drinky dramatic! 5 friends birthday party at one place... crazy enough for me! hahahahaha! Ah Wah: Happy Birthday day ( Wah was LMF lead singer ) The nice guy in the world i promise! Very good brother of us and he got marry soon... Congrats! After club Sugar last night 24herbs was going out again, but not for party. Channel V AMP was shooting a special for us so we were going out and introduce  some hot spot at Hong Kong. LKF of  course right! So we...Read more

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It's been a while, last week AnD birthday was crazy... very very good party. I play until 530 in the morning then went to Tsui Wah ate breadfast with Pat, Steven and some AnD fellers! Awesome! But i think i was too crazy drinking at that night, i lost my voice then get FLU.... damn it! Today is getting better, but just not 100% well, still running nose and cough, shit!!!

Hopefully i can finish the show smoothly tonight and drink again...hahahaha! Happy Birthday to Terence, my big brother Prodip, my sister Helen,BoBo! Gonna be awesom...Read more

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Happy Birthday AnD!

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Fucking AAAAA's...!

Why i use this subject? Am i crazy or what???? No... i telling u why. Big head john aka director  John send me a video on this subject. I have to share with u all because it is very very fucking AAAAAAAA's video! Violence, Chaos, Anger, Dirty, Crazy, Destroy,  all the good/bad elements all in this video! Remember this dude :Romain Gavras. Thanks John!Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYd7Tdefpe4

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I don't want to go home!

Just back in town last night. Very good trip in Malaysia. Food amazing! I bet u guys already read some blogs about our trip and show with Jin in KL so i think i blogging Penang part... unbelievable! Curry chicken leg, fish, lambs in a very old Indian restaurant... over 100 years man no joke! This is the other one i most addict... meah mug chicken! Read more

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Hong Kong
July 24, 2007