Pat Lee
导演, 画家
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How to draw Transformers - Wizard Magazine|怎樣畫變形金剛 - Wizard 雜誌|怎样画变形金刚 - Wizard杂志

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to wish a Happy Birthday - I can't believe I'm turning 34, then again - it's just a number! I still look frikken young and lovin it haha!

My previous blogger blog was about Transformers the movie and comic book covers but this time I wanted to share with you an article that Wizard Magazine put out in 2001 (thanks to Justin Edmund Millen from FaceBook who kindly sent this article to me).

This article was very meaningful to me because this is what launched my career in drawing robots and also helped us get the Transformers license back in 2002. I still haven't watched Transformers yet as we plan to watch it soon at Elements with the rumbling chairs! So if you are ever interested in how to draw robots - here is an interview with me and Wizard Magazine on how to draw robots - my own style and methods.

If you are unable to read the images here then click the links below:






I remember when I was in grade 11, I got kicked out of religion class for drawing all the time, getting yelled at by teachers because I wasn't paying attention. My passion for art drove me outta school after I graduated and straight to being a proffesional at the age of 17. I remember my art teacher telling me who was a wonderful person and great mentor said to me."If you know what you want to do with your life, just follow your passion and your dream will follow.. So, why are you in school?."

When I was that young, I never knew exactly how I was going to get there or what exactly I was going to do - but looking back, I know I manifested my vision into reality by just the thought and the will power to do it. If you have the passion to do something know matter how difficult you may think it is - know that you can have it if you are passionate about what you want. Everytime someone is negative about where they want to be, they are sitting on the side bench waiting for someone else to grab that opportunity - believe me I've sat on that bench many times. Always believed in thinking positive, always believe you can achieve, always believe that you can maifest anything you desire. Jus believe it. I've seen people who drew stickmen to being a professional artist making over $60k usd a year doing art so I don't believe it when someone says "I don't know how to draw..." that they can't do it.

Well - thats all folks.

Wishing you all peace, love and enlightenment - and don't forget to stop by Rosanne Wong's page and wish her Happy Birthday as well!





  |感謝到我的博客祝我生日快樂的人 - 簡直不敢相信我已經34歲了。不過這只是個數字而已!我看起來還是那麽的年輕和可愛,哈哈!

之前的 blogger 博客我寫了有關"變形金剛"的電影和連環畫封皮,但這次我想和你們分享 2001年 Wizard 雜誌上的一篇文章(多謝 Facebook 的 Justin Edmund Millen 好心發這篇文章給我)

這篇文章對我來說意義非凡,因為他開啟了我畫機器人的職業生涯,也幫助我們在02年贏回了為變形金剛作圖的特許。因為很快我們就打算在 Elements 隆隆作響的椅子上看變形金剛,但至今我還是沒有看。如果你對如何畫機器人感興趣的話 - 這裏有我的專訪以及 Wizard 雜誌關於怎樣畫機器人的文章 - 我自己的風格和方法。






http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m190/PatLeeProductions/page5.jpg還記得11年級的時候,我總是因為畫畫被踢出宗教班,因為不集中精力聽講而被老師大聲提醒。我對藝術的熱情促使我在畢業後遠離了學校,17歲時直接成為一個專業畫師。我還記得我的藝術老師,一個很好的人,是良師也是益友,曾經對我說“如果你知道生命中應該做什麽,追隨所愛,夢會實現的....所以,幹嘛還呆在學校裏呢?” 那個時候我那麽年輕,無法確切知曉如何到達那個夢想,或應該怎樣做來實現它 - 但回過頭來看,通過深思與意誌力,我將夢想變為了現實。如果你有做某件事情的熱情 - 不管你覺得它有多困難 - 只要你對自己想要的東西充滿激情,就一定能做到。每當有人對自己想要的東西產生消極情緒時,他們就坐在冷板凳上等別人抓住機會 - 相信我,我曾坐在冷板凳上許多次。所以要一直相信想法的積極作用,要一直相信你能夠做到,要一直相信你能實現任何你所期望的,就是要相信它。



祝你們快樂安康,有所頓悟 - 別忘了去黃婉君的頁面踩一下,也祝她生日快樂!


                    |感谢到我的博客祝我生日快乐的人 - 简直不敢相信我已经34岁了。不过这只是个数字而已!我看起来还是那么的年轻和可爱,哈哈!

之前的 blogger 博客我写了有关"变形金刚"的电影和连环画封皮,但这次我想和你们分享 2001年 Wizard 杂志上的一篇文章(多谢 Facebook 的 Justin Edmund Millen 好心发这篇文章给我)

这篇文章对我来说意义非凡,因为他开启了我画机器人的职业生涯,也帮助我们在02年赢回了为变形金刚作图的特许。因为很快我们就打算在 Elements 隆隆作响的椅子上看变形金刚,但至今我还是没有看。如果你对如何画机器人感兴趣的话 - 这里有我的专访以及 Wizard 杂志关于怎样画机器人的文章 - 我自己的风格和方法。







那个时候我那么年轻,无法确切知晓如何到达那个梦想,或应该怎样做来实现它 - 但回过头来看,通过深思与意志力,我将梦想变为了现实。如果你有做某件事情的热情 - 不管你觉得它有多困难 - 只要你对自己想要的东西充满激情,就一定能做到。每当有人对自己想要的东西产生消极情绪时,他们就坐在冷板凳上等别人抓住机会 - 相信我,我曾坐在冷板凳上许多次。所以要一直相信想法的积极作用,要一直相信你能够做到,要一直相信你能实现任何你所期望的,就是要相信它。



祝你们快乐安康,有所顿悟 - 别忘了去黄婉君的页面踩一下,也祝她生日快乐!


大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  29 评论s  0 shares
22475 2009020806404418 dot thumb
Happy B-Day dude! I would love to see you pencil the hell out of Batman or Wolverine!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 247143
cool stuff.... Happy Birthday Pat!!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 319485
Very, very cool. You are absolutely right: Passion. Thanks for, as always, inspiring me :) Wishing you a very Happy Birthday as well! I'm in HK and would love to connect. Add me as a friend when you have a moment :) ~Shairah~
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 327827
Inspired... just the boost I needed to get my ass in gear this afternoon!!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 23936
Amazing as alwasy.. and happy belated b day
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 62424
Yo Pat! Glad to see you've finally joined the 34 club my fellow rabbit friend. Happy Birthday!!! Awesome article on drawing robots. Still amazes me everytime I see how talented you are. Hope all the other projects are going well. All the best, Spencer
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 23160
Thanks for the Birthday wishes everyone!! Hope you enjoyed your weekend too - peacE!!!!!
大约 15 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Yeah, I keep telling myself that age is only a number. Then I see myself in the mirror and wonder what those eye bags are doing there--the ones that never go away no matter how much sleep I get. :-) You're still young enough to entertain the illusion that youth really is eternal. Enjoy it for as long as you can. You'll know that day you look in the mirror and wonder who that person is looking back at you that the party's over. Then you get to work on being "interesting", "fascinating", "wise" or some other combination of non-visual qualities for the rest of your life. I'm still new enough at this second half of life game that I can't tell you if its more fun that the "mindless youth and beauty" game I played for about the first 45 years. But at least I get to write more of the rules now.
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 327437
HI ,U IS BEST !!!!!!!! PEACE
大约 15 年 ago
Hussainabdullah 78 img 1018d klein
Hey, Grendizer rules!! Watched all episodes as a kid and still watch 'em today from time to time.
大约 15 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 16, 2007